House cleaning is a tough job, especially for those women who have to deal with a job, children and a whole bunch of things more. Thus, most of them prefer leaving the cleaning to the end of the week, when they will have more time, however a weekend spend in actual relaxing is preferable. That's why I'll try to be as helpful as I can by trying to gather some easy tips that will help you give your home a quick and effective wipe.

It is a very difficult task to be a perfect specialist at work, wonderful mom and perfect housewife. It is almost impossible to find your home clean and neat when you come back after a long day at work, especially if you have children. Of course, this is one of the biggest nightmares of every working woman as home cleaning is the last thing she wants to do after a busy day. Of course, there's always an option to hire a maid from Kilburn to handle the whole cleaning thing, but not every household can afford such services. Still, you can give your home a quick and effective wipe following the tips below.

Kitchen is the place where you prepare meals for your family. It is extremely important to keep this room really clean and disinfected in order to avoid any health issues. The evolution of microbes increases in places with high moisture, that is why always blot and wipe dry the surrounding of the kitchen sink, countertops and dishwasher. Always wipe clean the cooker and its surrounding after cooking. Spray an all-purpose cleaner, leave it to work for a couple of minutes and wipe clean with paper towels. If you do this regularly, after every cooking, your cooker, oven and the surrounding will always be sparkling clean.

The next important place in a house is the bathroom. It is one of the rooms that has the highest levels of moisture and is prone to mould and mildew growth, which can be really dangerous for your and your family’s health. That is why always turn the bathroom fan on or open the window, if you have such, to control the moisture after taking a shower. If you notice a dirty spot, rub it with some toothpaste and rinse. Do not forget the toilet. Sprinkle some baking soda or pour some coke and leave to work for a couple of minutes. Next, scrub with the toilet brush and flush.

Children’s room is one of the most messy places in the house. Teach your children to clean and organize their rooms by turning the household duties into a game. Provide a couple of boxes with different colours where they can put their toys after playing with them.

These simple activities can be done once at a day, so creating a schedule to follow will be really handy. You don't need to spend your whole evenings and weekends in cleaning, save some time and don't clean, just maintain it that way.

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