6 but the penny that we will know who should be president of France in your opinion deserves to be French President Hervé Gattegno, editor of the "Point", comes on the radio RMC Monday through Friday 8 am to 20 his political column "bias".

Since the first round, voters of Le Pen are the subject of attention of Nicolas Sarkozy and François Hollande, who seek both how to get some for the second round. You will see a worrying escalation. Your bias: Sarkozy playing with fire, fanning the Netherlands. Why do you say that?

It's crazy to see how the French who voted for Le Pen are observed, pampered, asked. The refrain of the inter-towers, is: how to talk? Understood how to bring them back to reason? Nicolas Sarkozy and Francois Hollande have different ways of addressing them, but with a common form of condescension. You must not say that Le Pen voters feel the sulfur, but they suffer - and the candidate sympathizes with their plight. This is the true measure of the entrenchment of FN: 25 years later, we return to the sentence of Laurent Fabius: "The FN brings bad answers to good questions." Today, we admit that there are good questions that Marine Le Pen said. It still lacks answers.

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