This is my freedom of speech and I wonder if there are true friends online or if there's just online marketing personalities that get you to befriend them only because they want to have you as a customer. The reason I say that is because you rarely get a friend to write you and ask how are things going with out an offer to subscribe to their products. This is an on going trend every where.

Especially places where you go online when you really need someone. This is no intentions to stop anyone from what they do but it is an attempt to get some of you that are on my friends list to at least stop by sometimes and say hi with out selling to me. I enjoy getting messages that are not sales ads. You may think you're doing a favor by showing that new site off but many time you never know how a quick hello could up lift ones morale. This also goes for me too I have looked at the times when I just check in on one of my favorite people and asked how they were doing.

This started to bother me so I just decided to let you know I am thinking of all of my friends and associates here at Apsense. Even the staff I miss getting those how are you messages and I miss sending them also. This is going to be something I make a positive change about because I realized I never know when I will ever need one of you. I did not ask you to be my friend to ignore you. I feel committed to being there if you need me.

You will never know what goes through ones mind when we are African American online marketing especially when I did not have a picture up and was making all sorts of progress at Apsense and when I posted my picture all of the excitement stopped. This really change the way I felt but with the color blindness I implement the decision to keep on trying was all I did. From that time forward I took my picture down and things did pick up a little and I do often wonder why this happened when the diversity of the world is changing especially with the president of the U.S. about to be of color.

Well this is all about free speech this post but I still want to remain friends with the ones I made that are still in my contact list as that and associates within my network develop more with them also. This used to be one of the only places I spent my days but when you have those feelings you only react to them by staying positive and moving ahead. I still have a strong feeling about being part of a community that is one of the most tech savvy of any I've been a member of and establishing lasting relationships is what I want to been known for here at Apsense.

I know this may sound far fetched to the ones that are in denial but the way I feel will never change and being supportive of someone who's trying to help themselves is something I will always do. The fact the friendship thing here needs to be worked on by myself well as with others also will provide more stability even if we do have certain groups that stick together here. You need to open up too others as well. In so many ways the potential of this social network is being raised up to have more impact and it will have even more when some of the unity is maintained and nurtured a little bit more.

If I could start my Apsense membership over again I would not change a thing. The fact I am who I am will never change and learning is a key ingredient to being involved online with any social network business forum any where. If you're not learning something online your need to stop using the Internet. Know this establishing relationships that are worth having is definitely  worth nurturing. I know social networks are hard to fit in but this will always have a part of me my membership and friends here at Apsense.

I hope you enjoyed reading this post and feel free to be straight up about what you're feeling about it. I will digest it like I do everything else I do online especially in social networks.

Enjoy Success


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