Whether to install the modern biometric attendance system or not has always been a concern for the small and medium-scale enterprises. The primary reason behind this concern is the notion that installing these gadgets has no return on investment in the hardware. For the small-scale and medium-scale companies, the budget is of utmost importance and thus the concern is legible as far as you do not know about the benefits of hand punch over the card punch. In addition, the brands creating these biometric attendance systems have also introduced extremely affordable entry-level biometric attendance systems. However, let us not go into the cost right now and dive into the pond explaining the importance of these systems over the conventional systems.

There are two major advantages that place hand punch system considerably higher than the ID Card Login, PIN Login and other manual access system i.e. accuracy and security. These systems eliminate the presence obscurity in recording the actual check in and check out time of the employees by linking the system directly to the clock. In addition, you also banish any chances of fraud punches by the employees or buddy punching because the biometric attendance systems utilize the impression of a finger or thumb impression to grant access to an individual and those can’t be replicated in general.

One thing is for sure. The security is directly proportional to the data accuracy in this case. For general usage, biometric attendance systems can also be used to control the access of unwanted people through certain doors. With the support of the software, you can allow only a specific set of people to enter certain doors and can also log the time of their access to keep the things in order.

Coming to the cost factor now, you’ll be surprised to know how the scenario has now changed. You can buy the biometric attendance systems at practically the same cost as that of the conventional time clocks. The entry-level models might cost you even less, making it a perfect choice.

One should be aware of the fact that time attendance systems are practically useless without an excellent software support. This will also be responsible for the actual cost of the system.

Therefore, while purchasing a biometric attendance system , you must first go through the software backing up the system. The more features you want, the more you will have to pay, which is good because you won’t have to pay for something you don’t need. Visit us today : http://www.endeavourafrica.com/products/hr-solution/time-master/

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