Everybody uses debit cards or credit cards today. Whether it is for shopping in the supermarkets, buying products or services online, tanking up the car or anything else, people find it more convenient and easy to use their cards, rather than cash. However, this convenience has also been brought along by the fact that more and more businesses began offering this payment option to their customers and clients. First, it was just a couple of supermarkets and big stores or companies, but now every mom and pop store has a credit card terminal or a PDQ, so obviously the need for cash has diminished considerably. Card payment terminals do make the process easy for both sides, but there are also certain factors to take into consideration for businesses that wish to implement such a payment procedure, the first of which should be security of transactions, especially when it comes to a portable card machine, because credit card fraud is still a risk.

Although fraud protection is one of the most important features that businesses should be looking for in a credit card terminal, it is definitely not the only one. For instance, there are some PDQ machines that work on an Internet connection, while others are based on dial connections. This difference is important, especially for businesses that are in remote locations, like outside the city hotels, country inns and so on, where Internet connection may fail. Some terminals have fall back dial connection for when that happens, even though they regularly work on Internet connectivity. Another factor to take into account is the variety of cards accepted and the commissions charged. Any PDQ, whether a portable card machine or a wired terminal, will accept Visa and MasterCard, but not all of them take Amex cards or Diners, which is why this is an important aspect to look into. Furthermore, you should look for merchant services that won’t charge you extra for that, because many consumers these days use American Express cards and Diners these days, so you might actually have a high volume of transactions.

Last, but not least, if you are shopping around for a credit card terminal or more, look into the variety of transactions that they provide. As you can imagine, all PDQ machines support sales and vast majority of them also support refunds, but if you operate a hotel for example, especially one that is in a remote location, where there are no banks or ATMs, then you might also want to provide your customers with the extra convenience of cash back transactions. The bottom line is that the more research you do on the different types of PDQ machines and credit card terminals, the more you learn about the features of a portable card machine, the better decision you’ll be able to make when it comes to investing in such a payment solution. It is really worth the time, as these terminals are perfect for all type of businesses.

To learn more about a credit card terminal or to find a portable card machine, please click on the links here!

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