Body image is usually discussed in relation to women, and for good reason. Women’s bodies are constantly treated as objects by the media, and even by many men and women in everyday life. But men are not immune to self-consciousness about their bodies. A 2014 study found that about one in five adolescent boys were highly concerned about their bodies, and we can expect this to carry into adulthood for many. Since negative body image can impact mental and physical wellbeing, sensual health and even male organ health, it’s important to be aware of the common concerns men have and to identify them in oneself if they are present. Working toward a better relationship with one’s body makes for a more fulfilling life.

Weight Woes

Weight is something men and women with body image issues tend to fixate on. Now, it’s true that some people are unhealthily overweight, and this is something to be concerned about; however, extra weight does not necessarily make a person unattractive, disgusting, lazy or any of the other negative labels modern culture tends to put on bigger people. If a man is concerned about his weight, he should consider whether it’s actually a health problem or if he’s just been comparing himself to chiseled, V-shaped male models. The latter have rare body types and spend a whole lot of time maintaining them, and most men shouldn’t expect to look like that.

If a man (preferably along with medical professionals) determines that his weight is a problem from a health standpoint, he would do well to adopt better eating habits and an exercise regimen. But he doesn’t need to hate his body wherever it’s at now. He can feel good about treating it well, and cultivate an appreciation for the many things it can do as it is already.

Muscle Madness

Modern culture, and others throughout history, have forged a strong connection between masculinity and musculature. “Real men” are strong; “real men” pump iron; “real men” are chiseled. This can cause body image issues in a wide range of men, from those on the thin side to those who are bigger without the brawn to even those who work out at the gym and have a muscular physique.

Muscles are good things to have. They help people perform physical feats and acquire stamina with which to perform tasks longer. So if a man wants to do bodyweight, free weight or machine exercise to gain muscle, more power to him. But let’s do everyone a favor and stop pretending that a man’s muscle mass says anything about his gender identity, sensual preference, personality or character.

Male Organ Concerns

The manhood is definitely one of the most fretted-over body parts a man has. Is it “big enough”? Is its shape “weird”? Will potential partners run away when they see prepuce/Fordyce spots/pearly papules?  Does it perform well enough during sensual encounters? These concerns can prevent a man from having a healthy sensual life, which, in turns, negatively impacts male organ health.

Almost every man’s male organ is the size it is supposed to be, whatever that is. A whole 95% of men fall within average length range, with only about 2.5% below and 2.5% above. Very rarely, a medical condition may lead to a size small enough to inhibit function, and only men so affected have good reason to be concerned. Every male organ is different. Some curve a bit this way or that; some have natural anatomical variations like papules or Fordyce spot that speckle the shaft or glans; some have a prepuce and some don’t. As far as performance goes, as long as a man is in good health, his male organ should perform just fine. Other factors, such as his experience level, whether he’s done research into pleasure spots/positions and whether he has taken the time to get to know what pleases his partner specifically, need to be considered.

Male organ concerns have been greatly exacerbated by the enlargement product industry, which gets rich by feeding off men’s body image issues in the downstairs department. But there are products men can use to enhance male organ health, and that’s what counts. If a man feels compelled to add something extra to his personal care routine besides regular washing and frequent use of his rod, he can consider investing in a male organ health crème (health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil). Natural hydrators like Shea butter and vitamin E are great for the skin, and other nutrients in the product may promote better blood flow and nerve sensitivity. A man deserves to love what he has and should treat it right.

Visit for additional information on most common male organ health issues, tips on improving organ sensitivity and what to do to maintain a healthy member. John Dugan is a professional writer who specializes in men's health issues and is an ongoing contributing writer to numerous websites.

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