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Mandura - Jun 2nd 2024 10:23

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This is why MANDURA has captured unique and potent fruits which, when combined, provide the ideal nutritional balance in a preservative-free nutritional juice supplement. While MANDURA is titled a die Recommended Features * For every individual that signs up to purchase MANDURA as a retail customer, you as their enrolling IBO, will receive $20 for two cases, $10 for one case, $5 for two bottles and $2.50 for each bottle. * o further reward our leaders personal efforts, we have created monthly Group Volume Bonuses. There are no limits to the number of IBOs that you can personally enroll. Please see the charts below for * For every IBO that enrolls for a 3, 5, 7, or 10 Case Builder Package, we will pay $50, $75, $100, or $125 to the 1st and 2nd Qualified Builders respectively, regardless of depth. This Bonus will be p * Acai beri tele van tpanyagokkal, belertve vitaminokat, svnyi anyagokat, nyomelemeket, tkezsi rostot, ami elősegti az emsztsi rendszer egszsges műkdst, cskkenti a koleszterin szintet * Bluebery Native Americans used the berries, leaves, and roots for medicinal purposes. The fruit was used as a fabric dye and combined with meat into a nutritious dried jerky. Click here to learn more ? The Durian according to legend... In the early 15th Century, famed navigator Zheng He, of the Ming Dynasty, set out from China with a crew of sailors, on a mission to explore Southeast Asia. Homesick and restless, the sailors were an unmotivated group, and Zheng He was eagerly searching for some spark to keep the journey going. One day, while exploring on land, Zheng He came upon a pile of spiky, egg-shaped fruit laying under several towering trees. The captain quickly ordered some of his crew to gather the fruits and sample them for edibility. After just one taste, the crew was hooked. The fruit was said to be indescribably delicious, and everyone on the boat indulged. The crew`s spirits were lifted and they began to forget about returning home a

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Mandura Trim
Oct 6 2010 14:47

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Lajosne Liszek
Budapest, Hungary
An over achiever who is willing to continue to grow and learn from other professionals. View Profile
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The Royal Family of Fruits The Durian according to legend... In the early 15th Century, famed navigator Zheng He, of the Ming Dynasty, set out from China with a crew of sailors, on a mission to explore Southeast Asia. Homesick and restless, the sailors were an unmotivated group, and Zheng He was eagerly searching for some spark to keep the journey going. One day, while exploring on land, Zheng He came upon a pile of spiky, egg-shaped fruit laying under several towering trees. The captain quickly ordered some of his crew to gather the fruits and sample them for edibility. After just one taste, the crew was hooked. The fruit was said to be indescribably delicious, and everyone on the boat indulged. The crew`s spirits were lifted and they began to forget about returning home altogether. Instead, they started talking about staying close to the trees bearing the tasty fruits. Asked to name the new discovery, Zheng He gave it the title Durian. This word is pronounced "liu lian" in Mandarin the exact sound as the Mandarin word meaning "desire to stay in a particular place" or "reluctance to leave." To this day, the Durian is widely admired for its heavenly flavor and its plethora of medicinal properties. In fact, in its native lands, the Durian is known as the reigning King of Fruits. The benefits of Zheng He`s discovery have been observed over the last 600 years. Traditional Chinese medicine incorporates the eating of the Durian fruit to hasten a women`s recovery after pregnancy and to strengthen and improve the health of vital organs. The fruit is also said to replenish the vital breath known as qi and to improve the positive energy yang in one`s body. That yang is matched by none other than the reigning Queen of Fruits the Mangosteen completing the legendary pairing. The Mangosteen, according to legend... It has been said that on a royal appointment in Asia, Queen Victoria, of England, sampled the Mangosteen fruit for the first time. Upon returning to her homeland, the memory of that encounter lasted in the mind of Her Majesty, and she craved another taste of the delectable fruit. Though she ordered her subjects to retrieve more, all of their efforts came up short and no Mangosteens arrived to her throne unspoiled. Known for her relentlessness, Queen Victoria put a bounty on the Mangosteen: anyone who could deliver fresh Mangosteen would be rewarded with 100 pounds a handsome sum, for the era. Despite the best efforts of several British subjects, no one succeeded. Try as she might, the Queen increased the reward: anyone delivering fresh Mangosteen would be knighted by the Queen herself. Still her wish was unfulfilled. Yet it is with that quest in mind that the Western World was introduced to the Mangosteen, which earned the title as the Queen of Fruits after Victoria`s regal efforts. In its native lands, the Mangosteen has earned that moniker because of its remarkable ability to reduce heat in one`s body and, therefore, medicinally benefit the human body. In fact, Chinese medicine considers the Mangosteen beneficial for a sore throat, sore eyes and restoring the health of anyone suffering from an illness or lack of nutrition. Its protein and fat are also known to be extremely nourishing to the body. As the Durian provides the yang, the Mangosteen`s cooling property acts as the yin counteracting the warming Durian so that the two perfectly match and enhance each other. Incomplete on their own, the combination of the Durian and the Mangosteen creates the ultimate "marriage" of the King and Queen of Fruit. This perfect pairing of two of the world`s most renowned fruits, alongside two of the world`s celebrated super fruits delivers the optimum flavorful and nutritional balance.