With Chip and Pin Card Payments you can save up to 40% on credit and debit card payments and you will never have any problems. This provider is dedicated to offering truly professional mobile credit card processing services, so that even currier companies or anyone else who needs to be able to accept payments anywhere in the UK can do so without any problems. The mobile solutions offered by this provider have many interesting and useful features. They offer fast refunds, have fraud protection and have thermal printing technology that allows the user to obtain the receipt very fast and thus be more productive. Of course, those who have a business in the food and beverage industry and require a portable card payment machine can also count on Chip and Pin Card Payments to offer them exactly what they needed to complete their tasks perfectly.

When you choose to work with Chip and Pin Card Payments you can count on professionalism and high quality products and services. This provider uses modern technology and has highly trained employees that are always ready to offer their help to clients in need. The team behind this company understands the importance of offering reliable customer assistance and they are always available to provide help to all their clients.

For more information about merchant credit card services please visit  http://www.chipandpincardpayments.co.uk/ or use the contact details below:

Contact Name: Luke Newman
Company name: Chip and Pin Card Payments
Exact Address: 5 Cefn Road, FARNLEY, LS21 3WQ
Phone no: 077 3051 8552
Email address: LukeNewman@yahoo.com

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