Doggy style is beloved by many couples for the dominant nature of the from-behind thrusting, the deep feel it provides and the easy access to the G-spot the position affords the male organ. While traditional doggy style is plenty thrilling for many, it never hurts to update one’s inventory of lovemaking positions. Along with maintaining proper male organ health, such refreshing of one’s stock may be one of the most important lovemaking tips out there. Consider these five doggy variations:

1) Tight-Legged: When the woman squeezes her thighs together in doggy position, it gives both partners an extra-tight feel. She can arch her back to achieve different areas of stimulation, supporting herself on her hands instead of her elbows. Or, she can lie her torso on the bed with arms stretched above her head.

2) Prone: The woman can lie on her stomach, either flat on the bed or with a couple pillows propped beneath her pelvis. With her legs tight, this again provides a tight feel. Propping up her pelvis will be ideal for couples who enjoy deep thrusting.

3) Kneeling: A woman may kneel in front of her partner with her knees spread apart as he kneels and enters from behind. Having a wall or bedpost in front of the woman is a good idea so that she can maintain balance. A man can use a free hand to massage her front in this position, and the closeness of their bodies provides great intimacy.

4) Him Standing: A man can stand while his partner kneels, legs spread or together, on a bed, couch or other raised, stable surface. This position can boost the sense of power and domination on the man’s end. Alternatively, if the partners’ heights allow, the man can bend the woman over the bed, resting her torso on it while she stands as well. If the woman is short, she might want to consider wearing a pair of heels to facilitate this position.

5) Her Standing: If a couple is really into the power dynamic of doggy style, then having the man kneel on the bed while the woman stands in front of him and bends down may be ideal. Her torso will be parallel to the floor, and he will have to hold her hips for balance. To make it more stable for her, place a chair or other sturdy object in front of her that she can hold onto. 

Along with mixing up doggy style, partners should explore and communicate about what additions to the position they may enjoy. For example, if a female partner enjoys having her hair pulled or her hips grabbed and pulled into the man as he thrusts, they may want to play around with these forms of domination. And, of course, spanking is very well accommodated by doggy style positions.

While the man is typically in control in doggy style, it’s worth considering that a woman can also take over from the front. The man can stand or kneel while the woman pushes on the bed or floor with her hands and thrusts her canal up and down the man’s male organ. This can be immensely enjoyable for both partners, particularly when the man needs a break.

Just as the importance of fresh lovemaking positions cannot be underestimated, neither can that of maintaining a healthy male organ. In addition to proper washing and adequate lubrication, a man can benefit from the use of a male organ health crème (health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil). A crème with vitamin E and Shea butter provides dual protection against chafing and dryness by moisturizing the skin. Since frequent and/or rough lovemaking leave the member raw, using a moisturizer is a good idea for all active men.

Visit for additional information on most common male organ health issues, tips on improving organ sensitivity and what to do to maintain a healthy member. John Dugan is a professional writer who specializes in men's health issues and is an ongoing contributing writer to numerous websites.

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