The Indian government recently announced that it is planning a tourism circuit focused on Buddhist pilgrims and those interested in Buddhism, in the meanwhile the railways ministry may soon start a special train from Kolkata to concentrate on the northeastern region. The circuit will include destinations such as Jammu and Kashmir, Himachal Pradesh, Punjab, Haryana, Maharashtra, etc. To get you started, here are 17 Buddhist sites in India that will leave you spellbound.

Known as "Little Lhasa" because of its large population of Tibetans, the monastery at Mcleodganj, Dharamsala, is home to the Dalai Lama in India. Thousands of Buddhist pilgrims and tourists flock to the monastery hoping to run into the Dalai Lama. When not meeting him, the little town is a great place to unwind away from the stressful of city life.

Shanti Stupa is a Buddhist white-domed stupa in Chanspa, Ladakh. It was built in 1991 as part of the Peace Pagoda mission. It holds the relics of the Buddha at its base, enshrined by the 14th Dalai Lama. The Stupa is not a tourist attraction only due to its religious significance but because of its location that provides panoramic views of the surrounding landscape.

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