Suppose your skin is in the top condition-beautifully hydrated, smooth and supple. The feeling of having such skin is always encouraging and relieving as well. But if it is lacked, then the situation becomes worse and it forces to face depression as well. Excellent quality of skin care products are always needed to improve the overall health of skin and keep it glowing round the clock.

Had we been living in a perfect world, we wouldn’t have needed skin care products at all. But constant exposure to pollution and sun light continuously damage our skin and so requires care, protection and nutrition. Without which premature ageing easily attacks our body robbing our charm and good look.

Most of us use creams to beautify our look and to get healthy skin. But rarely have we realized that using different creams during day and night is important for getting a long lasting result. Mostly day creams are filled with antioxidants, peptides and a high SPF to support protective actions.

At night, skin transforms into sleep and repair mode as per biorhythms and sleep patterns. A moisturizer for night should be suitable in that situation and aids in maintaining a healthy complexion. Night creams should contain ceramides and vitamins A, C, E or B5 which help skin to function flawlessly. Rich and calming lotions offer super luxe feeling when applied.

Some companies advertise their products in a very aggressive and that sometimes create an impression that these night creams are not so necessary for the overall health of the skin. These may not be required for all but there are genuine reasons which advocate the use of night creams.

Anti-wrinkle creams mostly contain ingredients like retinol, glycolic, acid, salicyclic acid and retinyl acetate. These are very helpful in bringing new skin and replacing the old one. This helps in removing age spots, fine lines and wrinkles. Anti-wrinkle lotions increase skin sensitivity and it is advisable not to use them in day time as them may react under UV rays.

Good Night cream helps in ultra-hydrating, deep nourishing and restorative are some of the other properties of good night creams. Best night cream for skin care mostly uses higher levels of emollients to soften skin. In general night creams don’t contain SPF which is usually found in day creams.

The general perception is anti-wrinkle creams are confined for women only but skin brightening night cream for men are also used in large numbers. Mostly night creams are a tad expensive. But by comparing prices of different brands a better product can be easily availed.

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