The occasional itchy male organ is one of the occupational hazards of being a man. Guys learn to live with it and, if the itching becomes more frequent than is acceptable, they learn to take steps to correct the situation. When one decides to travel, however, exercising typical male organ care is not always as easy as it is to do while at home. With that in mind, the following are a few tips for taking care of the tool while on the road.

Bring one's home along.

It's impossible to bring one's entire bathroom along on a trip, but it makes sense to bring the essentials. Most men travel with a toothbrush, a comb or hairbrush and other essentials; they should do the same with products that can help with an itchy male organ. For example:

- Soap or body wash. Hotels provide their own soaps for guests, as do relatives or friends in whose home a man may be spending a few days. However, it pays to remember that manhood skin is enormously sensitive. This is due to the facts that it is quite thin and the organ is typically kept in a very warm, moist environment, which encourages the growth of bacteria.  Sensitive skin can react to an unfamiliar cleanser, especially if it contains fragrances or strong chemicals. For this reason, bringing along one's own reliable, trusted soap can help to avoid the need to scratch the member relentlessly.

- Shaving supplies. If one is an active manscaper and likes to shave the male organ area, using one's own shaving cream/gel and razor while on the road is necessary. Under no circumstances should one use another person's razor, for hygiene reasons; a strange cream/gel should also be avoided, as it may cause the skin to react negatively.

- Lotions and creams. Again, hotels often provide lovely skin creams and gels, but they are not necessarily what is best for the male member skin. If one feels the need for some lubricant for a quick stroking session, it's better to have one's own lubricant on hand. And if one uses a quality male organ health cream, it should definitely be brought along for its regular health applications, including reducing manhood itch.

- Barrier protection. A man should always be prepared. Having one's preferred brand and size of barrier protection on hand is good in case of an emergency, but also because a member that is accustomed to a specific barrier may react negatively to a different fit and feel, resulting in irritation and a subsequent increase in itchiness.

- Plan ahead.

It's always a good idea to bring along extra underwear – and extra types of underwear, especially if heading into an unfamiliar climate or temperature. Men who only bring along enough underwear for each day of the trip may regret it; a very hot day may cause a sweat-filled situation. Having spares enables one to change, decreasing the likelihood of unbearable itching. It also pays to have both boxers and briefs (or jocks, thongs, etc.); again, the heat one day may make one wish for a "breezier" option.

If one is going to travel, it's best to think ahead about what is required to avoid an itchy male organ. This planning may also inspire a man to make changes; for example, if he does not already use a first-rate male organ health cream (health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil), the start of a trip is a good time to begin. When deciding on an appropriate cream, a man should carefully check the ingredients. Does it include natural moisturizers, such as Shea butter (a high-end emollient) and vitamin E, which can soothe irritated skin and calm itchiness? Is a potent antioxidant like alpha lipoic acid included? This is a crucial ingredient for offsetting harmful oxidative processes and helping avoid an unsightly wrinkled look in the manhood. A cream with these assets, along with vitamins like A, B5 and D, is a major boost to maintaining male member health.

Visit for additional information on most common male organ health issues, tips on improving member sensitivity and what to do to maintain a healthy manhood. John Dugan is a professional writer who specializes in men's health issues and is an ongoing contributing writer to numerous websites.

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