TIPs for your ADONIA businessThursday, 26-th of Dec. 2013
Hello friends, dear ADONIA distributors,
Hello dear Readers,

It's running cold down my spine when I think about it now about what happened last November.

ADONIA TV commercials started with Birgit Schrowange without end.

Absolutely unique in the network marketing. Pure sales support as a distribution partner.

Invite now all contacts. There will be a huge boom. Also in your wallet.

"I have been using the ATHENA 7 MINUTE LIFT & found it to
be my
clear favorite.

The product
keeps its promises! "
The 7 minutes revolution.
Effective wrinkle reduction, Only 7 minutes.
Purely natural ingredients.
Dermatest Very Good - 5 stars.
Suitable for all skin types.

Order now // Become now a distribution partner - CodeID = MW2013MC


Here is the link to participate (important - please login with your names):

Please notify your entire organization, since we do not have the email address of all the partners.

  • I wish you much fun with your promotional activities, 
  • many new customers & partners

Finally once again: Network constantly and be well prepared.

On my page you can find certainly valuable tips and suggestions for your marketing:
Straight ahead to do so, here:

I am happy to respond any of your eventually upcoming questions.
Just come
up to me.

"Don't hide and be forgotten. Should out proudly to the world:
"Here I am"...
Time was"

Phone: +49 179 3252110

For your success,

"Never think about what you, your current knowledge haves are , never think about what you have at the moment, or may can.
Just do the things that make fun and bring a smile into your life.

ACT !"

Impressum: Marius Wlassak
Independent Consultant und Business Advisor MWGBC Inc.
Heinrich-Laube-Weg 12 | D - 81925 Munich
Telefon: +49 (0) 179 / 32 52 110
Skype: mwtgbc

" Things happen with a reason.
The reason is YOU my friend ! "

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