While a majority of the web world is choosing PHP over other scripting language for website and web application development, a selected few are skeptical about its capabilities. This has initiated a hot discussion in the development arena, with each party presenting its viewpoints and contradicting others.

Here are a few pro-PHP points to defend the benefits of hypertext pre-processor language:
•Cost – PHP is an open source platform, therefore do not require licensing and installation cost. You can download for free and install it on your desktop and start the PHP web development process. PHP is not a licensed product, so you don’t have to pay any royalty fee. Thus, PHP is a cost-effective and most popular development platform.

•No restriction – As PHP is an open source platform, you can download it on your system and start working without any restriction. There is a guide book, which you have to follow for using PHP. It's the simplest of all scripting languages. You can mold it as per your requirements and even modify the source code to suit your development needs.

•Speed – PHP is comparatively faster platform that makes development faster and simpler. It provides faster accessibility to websites. The incredible speed of PHP makes it the best speedy scripting language.

•Syntax – As said, PHP is a simple scripting language, making the web development process faster and easier. Doing PHP coding is simple as compared to other programming language. Also, PHP coding is similar to C and C++, which makes it easy even for novice developer to learn the language. You don’t have to be an expert for PHP web development.

•Advanced language – PHP is a much advanced scripting language as compared to other languages. PHP effectively supports MySQL, Apache, and others. Any type of development is possible using PHP.

•User-friendly – Being a simple coding language, PHP is quite user-friendly. The websites developed using this platform is easy to access and navigate. PHP-powered websites are interactive.

•Expanded community – PHP provides a vast support to developers using its larger community. This community works relentlessly and provides continuous support to new and experienced developers to create an extraordinary product.

•Old and mature language – PHP is quite an old scripting language. With constant developments and advancements in the field, the arena has become capable enough to handle any kind of projects.

For effective and interactive websites or web apps, opt for PHP web development. 

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