Google Adsense Tips, Tricks, and Secrets - Free Online Adsense Guide to Increase your revenue and Improved your CTR and CPM.

Google AdSense is a fast and easy way for website publishers of all sizes to display relevant Google ads on their website?s content pages and earn money. Google AdSense is a Pay-Per Click (PPC) service. Webmasters are paid a portion of the revenue which Google collects from advertisers each time a web site visitor clicks on an AdSense advertisement.

Don?t put ads on empty pages .
If you don?t have any content, then, Google will have to guess as what your page is about. It may guess wrong, and so the ads that it displays may not be relevant. You?ll have to wait until Google re-crawls the site for the ads to correct themselves.

It?s better to flesh out the page before you start displaying ads on it.

Don?t be afraid to ask questions
If you?re wondering about something, don?t be afraid to ask Google. They always responded to publisher questions within a working day. There are two e-mail addresses to use, depending on the type of question: - if you have technical questions or concerns. For general program or account questions, please

Their responses are always very polite, and they appreciate getting problem reports and suggestions.

Avoid non-English characters on English pages
If you are Including any Non English words, characters, and prefer to write it out correctly with the accent grave you need to be careful.

Normally, this wouldn?t be an issue. But on some pages the presence of the accented characters is enough to cause AdSense to display non-relevant ads in other languages. This happens whether the browser indicates a preference for French or not.

Check your keyword density
Although Google doesn?t release exact details as to how they determine the ads to serve on a given page, they do tell us that it?s the text content of the page that matters, not the meta tags. Before serving ads on a page, then, you might want to check its keyword density. A good, free tool for doing this is found here:

This lets you fine-tune the page before exposing it to the AdSense crawler.

Place the ads on the upper part of the page
Don?t put the ads on the scrolling side of the page, don?t hide your ads on the parts of the page where people cannot see them easily. You want people to click on them right? So put them on visible place, upper part of the page is a good choice, place on top of the page or top right column. Give your ads a proper placement, don?t put the content so close to your ads, let your ads stand up from the rest of the content so that it can be seen clearly.

Use relevant page titles for each page
Do not put the same Page Title throughout your site, rather give different Page Titles for every page according to the content of the page. Keep your Page Titles short and meaningful. Putting too long titles might get your website banned from many search engines, so be careful. Keep the content of the page specific, allocate one page for one topic if possible that way your Google Ads will be more relevant to the content of the page. When you have closely related ads on your page, users are more likely to click on them.

Use your topic name in the url
If you are writing an article about AdSense don?t forget to include ?AdSense? word in the filename, for example: adsense_something.html Google pays attention to your page names. Putting a relevant page name will increase your chances of displaying more relevant ads on your page.

Match the ad colors to your site
You should modify the colors of the ads to match your website design, that way it will be like part of your website and will be easy on the eyes. You can even blend it to your content pages, but be careful making it seem part of the your content is an offense, and might get you in trouble with Google. Google says too much blending is illegal, if you are making people think that ads are part of the content, and if you are making them click unintentionally then you might want to consider the way you are implementing the ads on your website, otherwise one day you might receive a termination of account e-mail from Google. So blend it to your website but at the same time make sure that it stands out from your content and not taken as your website content. Use white space to give it a prominent look.

There are claims that yellow background with red text ads bring a higher click-through. Try it out and if it works feel free to implement.

Use vertical ads and not horizontal
Using vertical ads will bring you more hits, why? Because all traditional ads have been horizontal on Internet, 468?60 banners being the pioneers, and people tend to ignore them which is called banner blindness. However when you put a vertical ad on your page ?banner blindness? is not that high unlike horizontal ads.

Particularly 120?240 ads perform better.

Use text ads and not image ads
Banner blindness issue comes here as well, people usually don?t pay much attention on the image banners. In this case it is proven that text ads perform better, their click-through is up to 5% while image ads click-through is less than 2%. So use text ads and get better click-throughs.

Use channels to monitor your ads performance
Use channels to keep track as to how different parts of your website are performing. For example you can specify a channel called ?horizontal ad? and run that ad for 2-3 days, and again you can create a channel called ?vertical ad? and implement vertical ads with this channel on your website for another 2-3 days. Then you can compare which ad type has performed better on your site. That way you will know which ad type, size and where exactly to implement different ads.

Do not set Google AdSense as a secondary ad option
If you want to maximize your AdSense revenue never set it as a secondary ad option (as a default ad). Because when you set Google AdSense ads as a default ad it will show up inside the I-frame of another Ad Network?s panel. And this will prevent Google to scan the contents of the page properly and most of the time it will not be able to show the most relevant ads. Usually it will end up showing one and same ad all over the place. Using AdSense in this manner will reduce your eCPM, as a result your revenue will decrease. Because users are less likely to click on the same ad multiple times.

Use Google AdSense Preview Tool to remove irrelevant ads
You can download Google AdSense Preview Tool and use it to see what kind of ads are appearing on your pages and to eliminate the ineffective ones. If you see particular ad all the time on your website and if you think that people will not click on it then you better remove it.

Google AdSense Preview Tool will also save you from clicking on your ads to see the urls, which is a very dangerous thing to do. Google has the right to close your account for click fraud. As you know sometimes in 468?60 ads the url of the ads will not display and to see the url of the ad either you have to click on it or use Google AdSense Preview Tool, use the Google AdSense Preview Tool.

Use 336?280, 300?250, and 160?600 ad formats New Tip
Try using these three ad formats, because according to Google AdSense Optimization Webinar they are the top performing ad formats. Here is what Phoebe from Google said in the webinar:

?The next optimization tip that I?d like to focus on is ad format. ? You see our best performing ad format. It?s the large rectangle, 336?280. So the wider ad formats are doing better than the other ones and the reason is that they actually take up fewer lines. And so with every additional line, you have a chance of losing that interested user.?

So the wider formats do best so specifically, the top three formats are the 336?280 that you see on the page; the 300?250 medium rectangle; and then the 160?600 wide skyscraper.

The methods of increasing your revenue from Google AdSense:

* Increase Impressions
* Increase Click-Through-Ratio (CTR)
* Increase Cost-Per-Click (CPC)

Increase Impressions
The most basic method of increasing your number of impressions is to increase the traffic to your web site.

One technique for increasing the number of Google AdSense impressions without an increase in traffic to your web site is to motivate your users to enable JavaScript. Google AdSense ads require JavaScript. Visitors to your website who do not have JavaScript enabled in their browsers will not see your Google AdSense ads.

To encourage your users to enable JavaScript, create content for your web page which is only available via JavaScript. Implement browser JavaScript detection in your HTML to notify visitors without JavaScript enabled that they are only receiving a portion of your available content.

Increase Click-Through-Ratio (CTR)
A small increase in Click-Through-Ratio can mean a large increase in revenue. A rise from a CTR of 1.0 to a CTR of 1.1 should mean an increase in revenue of 10%.

Several on-page factors can influence your Click-Through-Ratio. These factors include :

* Ad placement
* Ad color
* Ad unit style
* Total number of links

Ad placement

The best location to place ads is wherever the web site visitor will be looking.

Open up your web page. Where on the page does your eye immediately focus? Place an ad there.

The best performing ads seem to be ads which are inline with content. However, it can be very challenging to place inline ads across entire web sites.

Placing ads across an entire web site is usually accomplished with Shared HTML (shtml) and Cascading Style Sheets (CSS). This effectively limits ads to appearing in the same locations across a wide range of web pages.

Ads On the Top of the Page
Ads in the page header perform moderately well. The location is a good one to catch a visitors eye. However, many web users have developed a condition known as ?ad blindness? where their brains automatically skip over advertisements.

One technique to reduce ad blindness is to place the advertisement below the page header and as far into the content space as possible. If your content space can be divided into multiple sections, this may work well for you.

Ads On the Bottom of the Page
Ads at the bottom of the page perform poorly. Web site visitors tend to read a page from the top down, and may never reach the bottom of the page. In addition, web site visitors have many different browser sizes, which may cause them to never see the advertisement unless they scroll down to it.

Ads On the Right Side of the Page
Ads on the right side of the page perform moderately well, and are currently in vogue. They appear to perform slightly better than ads on the top of the page at the current time, most likely due to better resilience to ad blindess.

When using ads on the right side of the page, it is important to test your web page at several different screen resolutions in several different web browers. Your web pages should automatically resize to ensure that the advertisements do not scroll outside of the browser window or get ?bumped? down below the content.

Internet Explorer appears to have a bug which can cause right side ads to be ?bumped? down below the content if the total width of all sections of the web page is equal to 100%. To work around this bug, ensure that the total width of your web page is 96% or less.

Ads On the Left Side of the Page
Ads on the left side of the page may perform the best. The left side of the page is normally reserved for the web site menu. This means that users frequently look to the left side of the page.

The difficulty is determining where to place your web site menu when the left side of the page is no longer available to you. A top menu might work for you, depending upon the design and content of your web site. Placing your menu on the right side of the page is another option, but one that may confuse some web site visitors.

If Google allows more than one ad unit per page in the future, the left side of the page might become an excellent location for a single ad, either above or below the menu.

Ad Color
Many webmasters report that brightly colored ads which contrast sharply with the color scheme of the rest of the web page return excellent results for them.

Ads which mimic the look and feel of the rest of my web page return the best results. This is most likely because the Google AdSense ads closely relate to the topic of the page and therefore appear to the visitor as additional content.

Ad Unit Style
The Google AdSense programs offers a wide variety of ad unit styles and sizes. The ad unit styles include:

Ad Unit Dimensions

* Leaderboard 728?90
* Banner 486?60
* Half Banner 234?60
* Button 125?125
* Skyscraper 120?600
* Wide Skyscraper 160?600
* Medium Rectangle 300?250
* Large Rectangle 336?280
* Small Rectangle 180?150
* Square 250?250

Leaderboard and Banner ad units are obvious choices to placement in page headers and footers. Leaderboards are preferable, because they are able to show more ads. Banners are a classic web format, and may be necessary where the width of your available space is limited.

Skyscrapers are an excellent choice for advertisements, because they appear to be less vulnerable to ad blindness than the horizontal ad formats. Google recently added the wide skyscraper format. This new ad unit displays one more ad than the classic 120?600 skyscraper unit. If you are currently using the 120?600 skyscrapers, switching to the new wide skyscraper format may increase your revenue from the Google AdSense program.

Rectangles, Squares, and Buttons are best used when placed inside a content area. This makes rectangles more difficult to place, but also gives then the best revenue potential.

Total Number of Links
Reducing the total number of links on your content pages can increase revenue from AdSense by reducing the options for a visitor.

If your web page has 10 links and one AdSense wide skyscraper on it, the visitor has a total of 15 options for leaving your page without closing the browser window.

This means that, if the user clicks on a link, the random odds that the visitor will click on an AdSense link are 5 in 15.

If you reduce the number of other links on the page to 5, the total number of options presented to the user is now 10. This means that the random odds of a user selecting an AdSense ad are now 5 in 10.

Another option, but one which may annoy your web site visitors, is to open all external links in a new window. This will leave your page open in the users browser, giving them another opportunity to click on an AdSense link. This can be done by adding target=?_new? to your HTML links, or by converting your outbound links to JavaScript.

It should be noted that Google AdSense never opens ads in a new window.

Test, Test and Test Again
Testing is the key to increasing your CTR percentages. Change your ad colors, wait a week and look at the stats. Do the same with different ad units and different ad placement.

Increase Cost-Per-Click (CPC)
Not all Google AdSense ads are created equal. Google AdWords advertisers bid for keyword combinations, and some combinations are much more expensive than others.

The Google AdSense robot, Mediabot, automatically scans your web pages and determines the appropriate ads to display on your page.

It is possible to create web pages which are designed specifically to attract certain keywords from the Google AdSense program.

To determine which keywords have a higher Cost-Per-Click, create a Google Adwords account in the Google AdWords advertiser interface. This will enable you to determine roughly what AdWords advertisers are paying for each keyword combinatiom.

Based upon this information, you may decide to create a new web page or a whole new web site.

AdSense Alternate Ads
Google AdSense is not always able to find an advertisement which matches the content of your web page. Normally, AdSense selects a Public Service Ad (PSA) and displays it in your ad space. These PSA?s generate no revenue for you.

Google has created the ability to load an alternate ad when it cannot find a matching ad. This is accomplished by setting a variable called google_alternate_ad_url in your AdSense layout code:

google_alternate_ad_url = ?/adsense-alternate-ad.shtml?;
These alternate ads can include advertisements from Google AdSense competitors, such as Clicksor.

This capability enables you to tap into a revenue stream which would normally be lost to AdSense PSAs.

Future Improvements to AdSense which will Increase Revenue
Google is constantly improving the AdSense program. Many of these improvements will mean additional revenue in your pocket.

Google has recently improved the speed with which MediaBot accesses new web pages. This means that you start earning revenue more quickly.

Google is constantly working to improve the relevancy of AdSense ads. Ads which are more relevant are more likely to be clicked on by web site visitors.

Google is currently working to give webmasters the ability to place multiple AdSense ad units on the same web page. This will enable the webmaster to place five small single-ad units around the web page, instead of one wide skyscraper. This should considerably reduce losses from ad blindness.

Google Adsense Blog
Google has Put up a Blog which is dedicated to helping Adsense Publishers in thier quest to improve their Adsense earnings. Check it out here -

Don?t Cheat and Ask Google if you have a question
Don?t cheat! Cheating will get you nothing, sooner or later your account will be terminated and all your money will be gone, so play fair. It is illegal to place texts like ?Please support us and click on the ads?.

Prohibited Uses : You shall not ? encourage any third party to ? generate fraudulent ? clicks on any Ad(s)

Just remember that Google is watching your website and the way you implement the ads on your website.

Ask Google if you have any question or if you are not sure if your strategy breaches their Program Policy. Google?s support team is very friendly and fast, just send them e-mail and you should receive answer soon. That way you will be safe from any trouble. SEO India provides service for Google Adsense Suggestion, Google Adsense Optimization, Blog Updation, Blog Writing, Blog Optimization, Blog Management, Blog Widgets Optimization, Blog Marketing and Search Engine Optimization and Traffic Building Google Adsense Website.

For more detail about Google Adsense Service -

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