Are you feeling overwhelmed, disoriented, or discouraged by your online promotional efforts? Do you often market your web site without a solid plan? The answer can be found by learning the basics of marketing and sales.

By creating a marketing calendar, you will systematically discover why 90% of all business owners never reach their goals, and how you can continuously achieve or exceed every goal you ever set.

So, how do you become more efficient and profitable with a marketing calendar?

Your marketing calendar should address specific needs. Break it down into days and weeks of the year. Address your marketing and  advertising activities that will take place each week. Be specific by scheduling individual promotions and events.  Roll out your campaigns according to the scheduled time and most importantly, track the clicks, cost, and conversions.

I have personally found it best, in my experience, to include the channels of promotion and marketing cost for each campaign. Record the results you receive from that channel. Doing this is easy to see at a glance which events, targets, and strategies were productive.

The data that you collect is important in planning your marketing in the future. Remember to be flexible when you create your calendar as tasks and events have to be moved around to accommodate efficient marketing.

You can avoid being overwhelmed with confusion by keeping and following a marketing calendar. In a nutshell, being more organized with your marketing and sales will enable you to finally become a legend in your marketplace's mind, and by doing so, multiply your marketing effectiveness, impact and profits many times over.

Wishing you the best,


P.S.  There is no secret to Internet Marketing. All you have to do is to get targeted consumers to visit your site at a time when they're "ready to act NOW". 

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