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Questions » Environment

Do you know about the Holi festival celebrated in India?

13 answer(s).

Where are you From? If India so which State in India?

9 answer(s).

What game do you play?

9 answer(s).

Which Indian city has best climate?

6 answer(s).

Add me on your network plzz?

0 answer(s).

What are the latest advancements in renewable energy technologies and their potential to combat clim?

22 answer(s).

Is solar worth it in Florida?

39 answer(s).

What is the best thing to do to prepare for an emergency?

should you get medical supplies, stockpile food, build a panic room, buy farmland, move out of the city, installing a security system, start a business from home. What would you do?
26 answer(s).

What is the best way to dump waste material without affecting environment?

Junk or Garbage is becoming the biggest problem now these days but we have best solution for your this problem at Junkin' Irishman.
23 answer(s).

What is the real meaning of Good Life?

43 answer(s).