Contact Info
Hi, I’m Naeem Bhatti
I’m the guy behind guppyslife. I made this website to help guppy lovers across how to take care of and breed their pets.
I love guppy. Since the year I was 9, I have kept guppy fish. I was given a little half-gallon aquarium by my parents, which contained three adult and 6 newborn guppy fish. I was immediately in love with them.
I’m the guy behind guppyslife. I made this website to help guppy lovers across how to take care of and breed their pets.
I love guppy. Since the year I was 9, I have kept guppy fish. I was given a little half-gallon aquarium by my parents, which contained three adult and 6 newborn guppy fish. I was immediately in love with them.
Feb 2024