The Launch Pad

In Prelaunch

by Tracy K.
Tracy K. Senior
In Prelaunch
A brand new Juice company, GoYin. Based on 5000 years of traditional medicine, the product combines super fruits and herbs for a delicious proprietary blend. It tastes like raspberry juice!!

It costs $38 to sign up, you are then offered AMOR, for your monthly shipment of the product(optional of course) and from there you can become a business builder with many leadership bonus pools. The compensation plan is great.
I would love to talk with anyone interested.
IBO# 2308

Jul 6th 2007 23:27

Sponsor Ads


Steph W. Advanced   Webmaster

Welcome to The Launch Pad!

It would be really helpful if you could tell us a little about what is in pre-launch, how it works, any cost involved, how you make money with the program, etc.

This group aims to inform it's members of new opportunities, which won't be very effective if it becomes a list of affiliate links!

Jul 9th 2007 02:40   
Tracy K. Senior  
Thank you for the freindly reminder to expand on my opportunity, I adjusted it.

Jul 9th 2007 08:25   
Steph W. Advanced   Webmaster
Thanks Tracy!

I'll be checkin' it out.

Best Regards,
Jul 9th 2007 15:48   
Sher :) Innovator   
Yum~sounds delicious!
Jul 10th 2007 03:27   
Tryg Odney Innovator   
Wow, It is delicious. I tried it the other day.
Thank you for the info, I am sure glad you took the time to talk with me.
Jul 10th 2007 13:31   
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