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The Best Mother's Day Gift EVER!

by Margot Huff
Margot Huff Innovator  
The Best Mother's Day Gift EVER...And I'm not even a Mother!

While thinking about the past few weeks in my life, my mind keeps going to the weekend that turned my life around. I was alone Mother's Day weekend. My husband had left Friday after work to visit his mother in Sarasota. I'm not one to sit in front of the TV and watch whatever junk the networks happen to be throwing at us, so I sat in front of the computer and started surfing. I don't know what site I landed on or how I got to it, but there was a link to "The Secret". I clicked the link, pulled up the website, watched the trailer and was absolutely mesmerized! The movie has been around for the better part of a year, but somehow, with all the many hours I spend on the internet, I had not heard the first thing about it. It was midnight on a Friday night. I was so intrigued, but exhausted; so, I decided it would be better to watch it online the next morning when I was more aware and conscious. I went to bed that night, hardly able to sleep just thinking of this movie, wondering what this big secret was all about. After waking over and over and over, I finally got up at 6am, made myself some coffee, got settled in and spent the next 90 minutes being blown away! Imagine the Law of Attraction working in my life all these years. Now I see why and how I had become practically a recluse! I obviously needed to change the way I was thinking and feeling.

After watching the movie, I spent hours on the computer, clicking links, reading, clicking more, and reading more. I finally had to take a break to rest my eyes, all text was becoming so blurry! When I returned to the computer, I read some e-mails, and through one, was directed to a site about an organization dedicated to helping those in need - a real passion of mine. I may have become practically a recluse, but I still helped through donations as much as I could afford during the holiday seasons. This site was called My Power Mall. "What an awesome concept!" I thought, could it be for real? Is there really someone out there with an online business - and a new one at that - that was truly passionate about doing all they can to make this world a better place for people in need? Guess what! There really, truly is. I've had such bad experiences with online companies before...MLM's, Network marketing....anything of this nature makes me turn and run! When I realized this company is nothing like that,m and they truly are dedicated to helping charitable organizations with a big percentage of corporate profits, AND it's free to join, AND they never charge a fee EVER, AND there is no qualifying for your income, AND training is FREE, AND there are no meetings, AND there are no required conference calls, AND there is no selling! They DON'T have a product to sell! WOW! To be blown away twice in one weekend! OF COURSE I joined! I couldn't join fast enough! And this company is staying true to its word. It's an awesome group to be a part of, and people are joining fast, from all around the world!

Think of this as an advertisement if you will. I think of it as an invitation to join a truly inspired company, dedicated to helping people around the world have a better life, through contributions and offering a business opportunity FREE! It doesn't get better than this! You should watch the videos if you're interested in helping others and helping yourself become financially independent. Watch and liste., See what you think! It only takes a few minutes.

So, I may not have children, but I got two of the best Mother's Day gifts anyone could have given. Practicing the lessons learned on The Secret and being involved with My Power Mall on a daily basis is a way I'll surely benefit and be able to help others benefit from this Mother's Day for the rest of my life!
Jul 4th 2007 12:31

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Valerie Hasara Magnate I   Marketing, Web Designer, Owner

I enjoyed what you had to say and it is well written.

The one thing I will suggest is that you space out your writing. Reading online is much different than in print. Look at how much easier your first paragraph is on the eyes.

Many Many people see the first 20+ lines all together and without reading the first word click away.

While thinking about the past few weeks in my life, my mind keeps going to the weekend that turned my life around. I was alone Mother's Day weekend. My husband had left Friday after work to visit his mother in Sarasota.

I'm not one to sit in front of the TV and watch whatever junk the networks happen to be throwing at us, so I sat in front of the computer and started surfing. I don't know what site I landed on or how I got to it, but there was a link to "The Secret".

I clicked the link, pulled up the website, watched the trailer and was absolutely mesmerized! The movie has been around for the better part of a year, but somehow, with all the many hours I spend on the internet, I had not heard the first thing about it.

It was midnight on a Friday night. I was so intrigued, but exhausted; so, I decided it would be better to watch it online the next morning when I was more aware and conscious. I went to bed that night, hardly able to sleep just thinking of this movie, wondering what this big secret was all about.

After waking over and over and over, I finally got up at 6am, made myself some coffee, got settled in and spent the next 90 minutes being blown away!

Imagine the Law of Attraction working in my life all these years. Now I see why and how I had become practically a recluse! I obviously needed to change the way I was thinking and feeling.


Jul 11th 2007 10:28   
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