Writing & Selling eBooks Online

hi EveryOne! Can any one suggest a good and easy eBook creater?

by Rajanikanta S. Internet & Affiliate Marketer
Rajanikanta S. Senior Internet & Affiliate...

Mar 21st 2013 08:36

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Silencio Barnes Innovator  ...I write :)
Free or paid? There are a lot of free ones - off the top I can think of Calibre, Sigil and MobiPocket Creator. But depending on the type of ebook you're putting together, I couldn't say which you would find easier. It also depends on where you plan on putting the ebook, different sites of different requirements as to format.
Mar 24th 2013 03:38   
Chris Arhot Advanced  webmaster
I can give you my easy ebook creator software for FREE.
Chris Arhot webmaster
May 13th 2013 02:13   
Rajanikanta S. Senior  Internet & Affiliate Marketer
Hi Chris,
best regards.

I shall be thankful if you give the software.

May 13th 2013 08:48   
Chris Arhot Advanced  webmaster
Send your private email or better contact me on SKYPE with subject: *APSENSE software* to accept your contact.
Skype is great because we can talk/write and in the same time I can send you direct from my desktop my software.
Please in 2-3 days, I'm not at the office for the moment.
May 15th 2013 03:03   
Bill Gelwick Advanced   Social Media Strategist
How are you wanting them converted? Do you simply want it converted to PDF or are you wanting to convert it for the Kindle platform?

PDF is easy, with one of several ways. First, there are several free PDF writers out there. Install and it will show up as a printer. Print to it and you are done. Or, an even easier way is to upload your document to Google Drive then print it from there. It will then download a copy in PDF format for printing (if you select the option for PDF).

Kindle is different. Their directions tell you to open it in Word, and save it as "Filtered HTML". I found that my formatting was messed up when I did this. Instead, I experimented with uploading the .doc file directly and it worked perfectly. Their system does the conversion, but be sure to follow their formatting guidelines so everything looks correct.
Sep 5th 2013 08:32   
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