Publishing Online

Short and quick about me .. !

by Geketa Holman
Geketa Holman Innovator
Hi my name is Geketa Holman .
I decided I do not want to sell anything online because it seems that no one is buying any way so why waste my time and yours .

. So my next ambition is is that I can become a good writer. I have no formal training ,but I put my heart and soul into my writing and I believe that should account for something. I live in rural Kentucky USA on Hugh farm filled with wildlife , trees and lots of wild flower's. The word primitive comes to mind when I think of where I live .

I also have four boys that are home schooled one will be interning college this fall the other three are 16, 13 and one the youngest soon to be 11 years old. They love being homeschooled and say ,"it allows them to be individuals and also they do not have to conform to the status quote".. I teach them to think for themselves more than anything else.

I love to share ideas and teach what I know.The topics I am well learned in are herbs, mother hood and how to do research on any topic . I also love to learn new things from anyone who has patience to teach me .

I enjoy long walks in the woods, fine wines andgetting to know people from any religion , race or culture. I am a people person and very hands on.

That is the short and the sweet of me ..

Jun 28th 2007 22:12

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Valerie Hasara Magnate I   Marketing, Web Designer, Owner

Great to have you as part of the group.

And because you have sworn off making money I look forward to seeing what you have to write. I have a half done project that you may be interested in.

And no it is not making money it is more about passion. But you know what they say where there is passion for what you are doing the money will follow.


Jun 30th 2007 09:33   
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