Tablets HW and SW

Too Good To Be True: 5 Things To Look For When Buying A Cheap Tablet

by Salim Benhouhou IT Support
Salim Benhouhou Professional   IT Support
I’m a big fan of tablets, that new wave of mobile devices that sits comfortably between smartphones and laptops. They’re not for everybody. In fact, some people consider them a waste of time and money, preferring instead to split their time between the two other devices mentioned previously. I prefer to think of tablets as luxury items: no one really needs one but many people desire owning one.

The thing is, not all tablets are created equal. There are vast array of tablets out there, led by the latest iPad, premium Android tablets, and the Microsoft Surface. If you can’t afford one of those options then there is a risk of buying a dud. A well-chosen cheap tablet can do a great job, but a poorly-chosen cheap tablet will leave you regretting your decision not to spend a few dollars more.

What follows are five things to look for when buying a cheap tablet. They may not make the tablet in question useless, but they will severely limit the appeal.
Nov 23rd 2012 08:17

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Marko S. Professional   Web Presence Provider
Ha, I have Samsung Galaxy Tab1.1, just updated to the last JellyFish via CianogenMod but it's slower than before. Not satisfied :(
Nov 23rd 2012 14:08   
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