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Before I blog......

by Kelly
Kelly Advanced  
Okay, this must sound lame but I need help before I blog. I just started my very first blog and I have it all set up. The problem is I don't know what to say! I am not a writer nor an expert so where do I start? I could use ezine articles but that seems like a cop-out, don't you think? Any suggestions???? Thanks!

Jun 27th 2007 06:14

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Valerie Hasara Magnate I   Marketing, Web Designer, Owner
How much time do you plan on spending? Do you want it to be more personal and journal like or all aimed to sell product. What do you hope to gain from your blog?

I have seen people make a lot of money from a blog that has only about 15 well written post. Then they link those posts everywhere.

But if you plan to journal and keep it light just go for.

Natural and health are big topics right now.

Your website is great did you do it?


Jun 27th 2007 07:44   
Kelly Advanced   
Hi Valerie. Yes, I did my website, thank you! That is probably about the 50th version of it, lol. It has been a lot of trial and error but I think I am satisfied with the look of it now.
My main goal of blogging is to get my website out there more. I have read over and over that blogging is important to site ranking in Google. Is there any truth to that?
So these are my goals, to get more traffic to my actual website and to make sales. However, I would feel more comfortable doing the blog in a personal and light way. I am not an expert so I don't want to come off as something I am not. I just don't know how to be personal and light and still make sales! In fact................... making sales seems to be my shortcoming!

Jun 27th 2007 07:50   
Linda Berry Committed   Hawaii's Premiere Note Buyer
Aloha Kelly!
Congratulations! You are doing just fine.
Blogging is an exceptionally strong tool in your internet marketing bundle! Say what you believe will add value, and develop traffic to your blog. Have fun with it. Set your intention to attract your perfect customer. Trust your guidance from withing.
We Are What We Focus Upon!
Linda Carol Berry
Jun 27th 2007 08:07   
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