Publishing Online

Please Try out My Blog

by Tubiz
Tubiz Freshman  
Please i would want you people to visit my blog at htttp://
Jun 26th 2007 05:08

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G. A. Harrison Innovator  
It's nice. Personally, I think that the color scheme is a little harsh but you should go with what you like. Some of the themes I've used over the years haven't always been popular among some of my more vocal readers.

I publish a political blog ( that has a decent sized and pretty loyal readership (look it up in Alexa). I've managed to learn a few things over the years about building an audience. But I need to ask you a question first. What is your motive for writing a blog? Is it to build an audience? Is it merely to express yourself? Is it a combination of the two? or... Is it to help you with the Google ranking of a web site or some capture pages?

Don't get me wrong. There is absolutely nothing wrong with that. I just think that you will find that your ranking won't hold over time if that is your sole objective.

But ... if you are willing to take the time to provide good and interesting content, build an audience, and promote yourself without being too blatant a blog can be a huge asset to promoting a product or service, or driving traffic to a site or capture page.
Jun 26th 2007 16:23   
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