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Google autocomplete: The internet where you are..........

by Imran Hossain Web Designer | Digital Marketer
Imran Hossain Professional   Web Designer | Digital...
Google search's "autocomplete" function fills in the search box after the user types just a single character.

The search results - even those after entering just "a" or "b" - are influenced in large part by what other users in your geographic area are looking for, according to Mark Paskin, a software engineer on Google's search team.
And what users want in the US may not be what users want elsewhere - in Britain, Hong Kong or in any of the 178 other international domains served by Google.
In search of the A-to-Z of the internet, we checked what Google autocomplete recommends in Britain, the US, India, Hong Kong and Nigeria.
The results of our experiment show how differently people use the web across the world, and sheds some light on their interests.
Oct 14th 2012 06:39

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