SEO tips & tricks

Recent Craze for Guest Posts: Is It the New Muse after Google Updates?

by Arun Kumar Biswal SEO Project Manager
Arun Kumar Biswal Freshman SEO Project Manager
The recent Google Panda and Penguin updates forced many professional SEO consultants to completely revamp their plan and strategy. Many SEO companies also started exploring more effective and white-hat techniques to increase the ranking and visibility of the websites of their clients on popular online search engines. Nowadays, guest blogging has become a key element of the revised search engine optimization campaign of many companies.
Oct 11th 2012 00:35

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Jp N. Professional   SEO & Web marketing consultant
Its true partially .....I think Real SEO guys are always updated with the SE updates. It affected the spammers or u can say black hat guys.
Oct 11th 2012 08:06   
Andrew Barnes Advanced   eMarketing Consultant
The article points out some good points although I owuld add that often blogs are tagged as 'no-follow'. Now some argue that Google ignores 'no-follow' but as far as I know, the jury is still out.
Oct 12th 2012 11:06   
Trev Pearman Senior   IM Coach IMMACC mbr
"do no follow" = exactly that and the robots/spiders will ignore that link. And yes Arun guest blogging has become more popular...a strategy that greatly improves SE recognition I working that same strategy in the redesigning of one of my websites. I believe I covered this in another post or comment but ever since Panda (when many PPC advertisers simply disappeared overnight) Google have stayed right on top of the ball with any loop-hole detected hence we have Penquin tweaks without major change to the Algorithm. The idea is Honesty pays... bonefide links relevent to topic, along with posts and comments, the slightest blemish will see your site downgraded. well thats my 2 cents worth.
Oct 15th 2012 03:38   
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