GDI Team Sure Track

Make use of your GDI website

by Aaron M. Financial Advisor
Aaron M. Professional   Financial Advisor
Hello guys, I can see that many of us do not use our .ws website, always remember that we are paying for it and we can do anything we want in it. The commissions from GDI is just part of it there is more benefit from using it rather than concentrating too much from the commissions we get from it. Try to put some content in your site like your interest or anything. I can even help you tweak your site if you want.

If you need help especially in Wordpress I am more than willing to help you.

Best regards,
Aaron M.
Sep 27th 2012 09:36

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A S Kumar Committed   Netpreneur
You are very right Aaron, most of us neglect the website which is the product we have purchased as GDI members. We can even build a secondary income by using this website judiciously
Sep 28th 2012 02:06   
Aaron M. Professional   Financial Advisor
Check my website guys it's simple but I have different programs on it.. If I am able to put quality contents someday I'll be applying for a google adsense ads.
Sep 28th 2012 02:35   
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