SEO tips & tricks

Off page optimization

by Manoj Yadav Assistant Manager Sales & Marketin
Manoj Yadav Committed Assistant Manager Sales...
SEO has two parts, On Page Optimization & Off Page Optimization.
I know On Page Optimization very well but think that I don't proper knowledge about Off Page Optimization.
So can anyone explain it?
Sep 27th 2012 03:56

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Trev Pearman Senior   IM Coach IMMACC mbr
Y'know I sort of get fed up with giving out valuable information for free... because it just doesn't produce results for building my personal list.. However..for the sake of the group and your request Manoj... here we go...
Lets say you have a webpage, then on page is obviously seo keywords attracting indexing attention and outbound links from that page... now off page seo includes any activity you do to promote that webpage by insertion of a link back to the webpage you created. anything from Blogs,Articles,Videos,social networking,free classifieds,even flyers ,postcards,and now QRcodes... anytime anywhere a link points back to your webpage.. thats link juice.. SEO involves Keyword Research and anything off the page that gets ranked or noticed and leads back to your main webpage is "off page seo"
Sep 27th 2012 05:04    Edited in Sep 27th 2012 05:09
Andrew Barnes Advanced   eMarketing Consultant
A good, clear summary there from Trev for you. I would add that keyword research is also important for off-page seo as well. At least half of the power of a link into your site is in the anchor text (the actual words carrying your URL link). These need to be optimized for your site/page as well. It is generally felt that using slightly different variations of anchor text on different sites is also good practice. The idea is to make the links appear to be coming from different people. Google have yet to find a way to spot the fact that it is often the webmaster of a site that is linking back to her/his own site. Until then, variation is key to make them appear to come from different quarters.
Sep 28th 2012 05:28   
Trev Pearman Senior   IM Coach IMMACC mbr
Absolutely correct Andrew... Thanks for the addition.
I notice no feedback yet from the so called SEO executive.
Sep 29th 2012 04:18   
Manoj Yadav Committed  Assistant Manager Sales & Marketin
This is what exactly I was searching, the information was overall very useful for me, thanks a lot Mr. Trev Pearman.
Sep 29th 2012 04:52   
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