GDI Team Sure Track

youtube video

by Teodor Ianicov Advertiser & Web Programmer
Teodor Ianicov Committed Advertiser & Web...
I uploaded this video to youtube, but is very low probability to receive referrals from youtube I think, because after thousands of youtube views, I received no referral before
Sep 26th 2012 14:53

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Teodor Ianicov Committed  Advertiser & Web Programmer
We must find another way, much productive
Sep 26th 2012 14:56   
A S Kumar Committed   Netpreneur
You tube is one of the best advertising resources, one should just know how to do it. You must approach this one with a great attitude and you will see the results.
Sep 27th 2012 05:18   
Teodor Ianicov Committed  Advertiser & Web Programmer
I use Vagex Viewer to encrease number of viewers, but it gives just youtube chanel subscribers, commentaries, but not GDI referrals, I have no doubt that you have more experience, but please enlightened us...
Sep 27th 2012 07:41   
Aaron M. Professional   Financial Advisor
Don't worry guys, We are doing all our best to get you all sign ups, just think of this all we need is 10 sign ups to make our GDI subscription for FREE. And this is much easier to achieve because every sign up 5 members in our group benefit from it.
Sep 27th 2012 07:43   
A S Kumar Committed   Netpreneur
Teodor I think you must use Googleplus also for promoting and as it is very potential resource.
Sep 28th 2012 02:08   
Teodor Ianicov Committed  Advertiser & Web Programmer
ok, but at first I must increase Following circle, right?
Oct 2nd 2012 12:02   
A S Kumar Committed   Netpreneur
It is much easier than you think. just share some good things and people will start adding you
Oct 3rd 2012 11:29   
Teodor Ianicov Committed  Advertiser & Web Programmer
interesting..., I shared GDI, Jose Palomino also promotes GDI there
Oct 3rd 2012 11:53   
Teodor Ianicov Committed  Advertiser & Web Programmer
but sir,..., you can't do everything you want in google+ too, this is 7-th rule from User Content and Conduct Policy:

"7. Spam

Do not spam, including sending unwanted promotional or commercial content, or unwanted or mass solicitation.

Do not aggressively add people to your circles."

Today I was to close lose gmail account because I promoted my blog on google+
Oct 17th 2012 08:31    Edited in Oct 17th 2012 08:32
A S Kumar Committed   Netpreneur
You must not promote just share in the updates. Business is about building relationships and trust not just selling, Help people with honest knowledge to build trust and people will definitely respond to you if they trust you
Oct 18th 2012 04:30   
Teodor Ianicov Committed  Advertiser & Web Programmer
I can't add more followings in google+ circle anymore
Oct 18th 2012 06:04   
A S Kumar Committed   Netpreneur
how many have you added?
Oct 18th 2012 11:55   
Teodor Ianicov Committed  Advertiser & Web Programmer
31 friends, 820 followings:)
Oct 18th 2012 18:16   
A S Kumar Committed   Netpreneur
That is a good figure, just build a good rapport with at least 10 people out of this and see the result
Oct 19th 2012 08:59   
Teodor Ianicov Committed  Advertiser & Web Programmer
do you mean that I haven't any chance to add more people in the future too?
Oct 19th 2012 17:33   
A S Kumar Committed   Netpreneur
you can after some time but do it in a organised manner and don't go too fast
Oct 20th 2012 09:59   
Teodor Ianicov Committed  Advertiser & Web Programmer
ok, I hope they will release my rights
Oct 21st 2012 17:22   
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