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Social Networking vs. Network marketing...Big Difference? YES !!

by Beth Schmillen
Beth Schmillen Professional  
Social Networking vs Network marketing !! Big Difference !! Yes? !!

I see a big difference between social networking and network marketing. As
soon as the ulterior motive of signing up an affiliate or enrollee
disappears.... you're free to social network....

Any comments of what the vagaries, if any, are betwixt the two?

I'll have to pose this question over at Adland... i can think of a couple characters over there willing to tackle such a topic!


What's the best

I. I'm at home and when my daughters need me to watch the grandkids?
I'm there!

II. Learning a new skill. I never thought I'd be able to sit at a computer
desk job until I learned to be an online marketer!

III. Seeing my businesses slowly grow and then there's what I call the
Trickle UP Theory ... Money starts to come in.
Trickles at first and then...

IV. I get to be home with my 15 year old feline friend Ursula! She's a
dear old girl and I'm hoping to see her thru to at least 20. I met a 20
year old feline friend of a human! friend a number of years ago and she
was awesome! clear eyed and stately and wise as her years!

V. I get to meet all my wonderful online friends for marketing and
visiting with and learning from one another!!! (i'm assuming you're all
human! Any AI online marketers yet?)

Jun 24th 2007 18:11

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Valerie Hasara Magnate I   Marketing, Web Designer, Owner
Good observation Beth.

This is what I see, people who first build a strong social network, when an opportunity presents itself you can move quickly as a group.

Whereas people who network market when they decide to change companies or even add a different marketing tool don’t have as much ability to move outside their one particular network.

Jun 26th 2007 00:08   
Beth Schmillen Professional   
Hi Valerie!

thanks for you comments! They are always right on the mark!

Jun 26th 2007 09:09   
G. A. Harrison Innovator  
I think that you have to look at what your motive is in networking. Are you meeting people (online or in person) strictly as a means of selling them something? If so, you'll meet with a lot of resistance, online and off.

I try never to recommend a service or product to someone unless I spend some time getting to know them and only if I believe that a particular product or service will truly be of benefit to THEM. I don't hesitate in recommending someone else's product or service if I believe that the person I'm communicating with will derive greater benefit from it.

If you actually do that, those same people often wind up recommending you to their friends and colleagues because they believe that they can trust you. I don't claim to be a network marketing expert, but it seems that you're selling yourself at least as much as you are the product.

Regarding Valerie's comment, I agree with most of what you said, I just believe that the people you work with will be a lot more receptive to change (whether a company or adopting a new technique or tool, if you take the time to build that relationship. Social networking (online) CAN be a great tool for that. I continue to find out that it just takes time, whether online or off.
Jun 26th 2007 16:10   
Beth Schmillen Professional   
Hi G.A.

That's a great point. Never recommend a tool, service or product unless it will truly benefit the person. That shows how much you are focused on being in an ongoing business relationship and is an example for all of us to emulate.

I tend to be very upfront about "here is a business/service and take a look!"

I recently goofed with that. A woman from India looked at and tried to join but they aren't accepting from India yet. I should have known that. I have another business that does include India in it's list of countries but now I'm embarrassed to contact her about this other one!

See... I've got to learn by real mistakes!

But then so do most of us! thanks goodness!
Jun 28th 2007 21:46   
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