Publishing Online

Anyone publish a newsletter here?

by jimmy48
jimmy48 Advanced  
I have a domain name for a newsletter but I need to research what program to use with it.
I'd like an easy to use, easy to customize program that will allow me to reach out and touch someone.

On a different note after reading through the group I'll have to be submitting my advertising for review. What a great idea.
Jun 23rd 2007 09:30

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Stan Smith Advanced   Web Publisher
Hi Jimmy,

Yes, I publish a bi-weekly ezine about ezine publishing and building a business on the Web. I post it online at I am not sure what you mean by a "program" for an ezine. Do you mean you want something to sell in an ezine, or something to create and publish an ezine?
Jun 24th 2007 09:24   
jimmy48 Advanced   
I know there are several turn-key programs to publish a newsletter. That's what I'm looking for.
Your ezine looks to be just what I'm looking for, Thanks I'll sign up for it.
Jun 24th 2007 10:37   
Thea Westra Professional   Adding Wings To Our Unique Life Journey!
Yes, I publish two. A very brief daily note and a monthly whopper! :)

I love Aweber.

I began with Vertical Response iBuilder and used that for years. I've moved both my lists over to Aweber because it allowed more easily for the daily notes and I consolidated the cost of my lists by having one autoresponder service that can carry both (or more) lists for a monthly flat fee.
That was necessary due to the size of my lists growing.

If you subscribe today ( then you'll be just on time to receive my monthly newsletter due this weekend and also for those few days you can then receive the daily one. Simply unsubscribe after the weekend.
You can then observe how I operate both and the versatility of Aweber's system.

If you'd then like a free test drive of Aweber, I invite you to use my affiliate link at:
~~ ~~

Just type "Aweber reviews" into Google to find out more about Aweber. You'll notice that most of the 'bigger' and well known marketers are using their services. I find their service very user friendly and they provide lots of free articles and free training at their site.

Write me a message if you need more information or help, about this topic.

Namaste, Thea
Jun 24th 2007 10:54   
Valerie Hasara Magnate I   Marketing, Web Designer, Owner
When I train publishers usually the first time we talk I spend a lot of time getting to know a person and their passions.

The secret to running a successful ezine is letting your personality into what you do.

Do you have a topic for your newsletter yet?


Jun 26th 2007 00:19   
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