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by Schanie K. Social Media Marketing
Schanie K. Senior   Social Media Marketing
Just joined and am at a loss what to say.

Cheers, enjoy and will catch up with most here in days to come

Schanie Ken
Jun 22nd 2007 07:14

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Mattias Kroon Senior   
Hi Schanie!
Welcome to this commnity! Take a look around here, and enjoy your stay!
Jun 22nd 2007 07:29   
Rocky Pacley Senior   
It's all good you made it now it is time to sell your business and get to know every one you can. You will be alright you have an entire Network of online marketing Pros to assist you.
Jun 22nd 2007 17:46   
Dave Fullmer Advanced   Internet Marketing Mentor/coach
Welcome Schanie,

Rocky is right. You will be all right. Look around. Browse the groups. This group is great. Before you turn a round, you will know a bunch more.

Ask anything you want and someone here will be sure to give you an answer.

Jun 22nd 2007 21:10   
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