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Is your bonus check shrinking?

by 1234
1234 Advanced  
Is Your current bonus check shrinking?

Is it Not growing like you were told it would?

Is there a secret to why 1% of distributors have checks that grow while 99% have to work hard to stay even?

What one word do many companies put on their website that will set you up for failure?

Ready to discover the answers to these questions and more?

First, I want you to know that not all of this is your fault.

You may have been lied to by your "super star mega check matching up-line guru leader"

Did you understand the compensation plan the first time you saw it drawn out?

Do you even understand it now?

Don't feel bad, most people have no clue.

One lady learned how her company set her up for FAILURE by putting 1 small word on the company website.

Do you want to know this FATAL word?

Then join me on this training call to discover the answers to these questions and more.

This call is conducted by some of the most successful teachers, trainers, and mentors that this great industry has to offer.

There are NO companies ever talked about, promoted or demoted on these calls unless they are already out of business..........

Join us this Saturday evening June 23rd at 9:00 pm Eastern to learn how to look into the Crystal Ball and see what effect this un-shakable TRUTH about your compensation plan is having on YOUR success.

It is F.REE to listen to the interview LIVE, however we only have a limited number of spots on the conference bridge.

Just email me with "Comp Plan" in the subject line to confirm your planned attendance ( Or you can call me at 806-577-4414 any time.

As soon as I get your email, I'll make sure to reserve you a spot on the call and get the log-in information to you.

This is going to be packed out call!

This information is critical to your financial future.

To Your Success,

806-577-4414 ANY time!
Skype: marla.mike.evans
Ultimate Network Marketers Reference
Jun 20th 2007 11:24

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Rodney Advanced   
The important question on this I think is ... Did you understand the compensation plan the first time you saw it drawn out?

This is why I look and read the comp plan several times trying to pick it apart instead of looking at figures to see how much money I will make. Don't take it the wrong way, I figure out the money part AFTER I understand the comp plan.

I believe the majority of the people who do MLM businesses they aren't good leaders and this is why their bonuses aren't the same as when they started. I know a few people in my company and they are famiy members, they look to see who they can make leaders insteadof getting QUAIFIED customers and try to turn them into Leaders.

Thanks for reading my thoughts

Jun 20th 2007 14:14   
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