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Personalizing your subject headings

by Yvonne Finn Internet Marketer
Yvonne Finn Advanced   Internet Marketer
Is it more beneficial to say "How I Do" a task or How You Should" do it?
Apr 12th 2012 09:55

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Bj aka Bill Brown Magnate I   Hosting and Backup Service provider
Neither statement is correct. The correct ways are.
"How do I .....?" , not "how I do" and
"How should you.....?" not "How you should"

"How I do" is explaining how you do something.
How you should is explaining to someone else how to do something correctly, (assuming the person telling it does know the correct way, which with Internet marketing is not often the case.)

When asking advice then "How should You.....?" is correct.
Apr 12th 2012 11:24   
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