Scifi and Fantasy Fanatics

Low Budget Sci-Fi Project

by thedv guy Digital Video
thedv guy Freshman Digital Video
I'm working on a low budget sci-fi project called Outpost 731. All local talent. It's been great fun and an amazing learning experience. We're getting ready to blow up a space ship. We're going to film it from as many angles as we can because we only get one take. Feeling very privileged to be part of this project. We're learning all about the software, building models, building a render farm... good crazy fun!
Apr 3rd 2012 01:24

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Cheryl Baumgartner Professional Premium   Medical Billing/Coding/Insurance
Hey keep us updated! It sounds very interesting!
Apr 7th 2012 08:57   
thedv guy Freshman  Digital Video
we are about 3/4 of the way thru shooting. plugging along.

I have a couple other sci-fi projects I'm working on.

plus, the Jack Story, which is NOT sci-fi
Apr 20th 2012 15:50   
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