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by Anon E. Internet Ninja
Anon E. Professional   Internet Ninja
This can help you get more readers. Simply register and add multiple blogs...I am only a novice, but I’m sure you guys can make use of this.
Mar 1st 2012 19:20

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Sriram Raj Committed   Professional Blogger
Yousaytoo is useful but it is duplicating your site rss feed. I have used it before but in terms of google, you are just duplicating content which is not at all good.
Mar 4th 2012 04:33   
Saed Mtri Innovator   Blogger
good site,thumb for you
Mar 5th 2012 11:25   
Anon E. Professional   Internet Ninja
Hey @ Sriram, how goes it ? When you say in terms of Google, you are just duplicating content. In what way is that not at all good?
Mar 13th 2012 15:08    Edited in Mar 13th 2012 15:53
Sriram Raj Committed   Professional Blogger
One way, whatever your site you write is fresh and if you promote it well, you can get good traffic. By duplicating your content in yousaytoo, you are just decreasing the visitors to your site. And more over you just duplicate the content as yousaytoo publishes it as their own content with little revenue share which you can easily earn from your blog
Mar 15th 2012 15:54   
Rosette Dawn Advanced  Web Marketing
nice site...this site is very helpful...
Apr 12th 2012 06:56   
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