Publishing Online


by Marla Ball
Marla Ball Innovator
Hello Everyone,

1st off, I would like to thank Valerie for the invite. I totally agree, writing blogs, newsletters & etc is 1 of our greatest marketing tactics. I do a bit of both. You can sample 1 of my blogs here on APSense if you like. It will show you how I utilize blogging to market my products (If you like the product being advertized, feel free to place an order). This technique & others are used to in publishing my newletters. I look forward to sharing ideas with everyone.

Have a great evening!!

Jun 14th 2007 19:45

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Valerie Hasara Magnate I   Marketing, Web Designer, Owner
Forget-Me-Not Aromas, is a great name. I look forward to you sharing more about running your own business. You have a great site.



Jun 15th 2007 13:22   
Marla Ball Innovator  
Thank you for the compliments Valerie. :o)) As the ideas come my way, I'll be sure to share them too.
Jun 26th 2007 10:30   
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