Develop Your E-marketing Skills with me

> How to build your own personal contact list(Goldmine)

by Thomas Njanque
Thomas Njanque Professional  
This system works in most network communities-Adlandpro;Directmatches;
Apsense and others. Just find out how to contact members within the community. The other communities i use to build my Goldmine(List) are:-Click to open sites below:

Now the system i will teach you here is very simple and is a matter of getting someone to be your on-line friend to join Apsense and others and build your list(Goldmine).
One good thing with Apsense is that those you invited will be sent many/reminder mails reminding them to join you. I see my invitee just coming in.

BASIC RULE: Your personal presentation is your first impression.
Would you go as a sales mission with a Jogging gear?
People will buy from you if they know/like you.
For a pet club/community I could present my dog/puppy’s foto and that’s fine.

This is how you do it in Adlandpro:

Login to your adlandpro members area at networking you will find at the top center:* There are currently 416 out of 54,791 members online: || 21,712 visits today*. Click on [More....] * and you will find the list of members online. Click on the name it says:*view Joan F’s Profile.
On her profile on the right it says:* [Invite Me To Be Friends]*

You would want to open an extra yahoo or use the that of your Adlandpro if you prefer.

Just send a short note like this with your own personal details(Adjustment):

Hi Joan,

My name is Thomas Njanque from Cork in Ireland/Europe.
I am building a list of Professionals interested in sharing
Business resources and information.
If you are interested in exchanging information, get my contact
data below and reply with yours.

Contact me anytime. Have a GREAT DAY!

Cork / Ireland

When they reply, you have a friend(Name and Email) to invite to Apsense.

The basic principle could be applied in other communities as well.

Now build your own personal contact list-”Goldmine”:

* Use a spread sheet like Microsoft Excel. Use columns for Name; Email address;Phone No.; Country; from which Network and Something about their Eiz or venture.
As you keep on networking, you will see you list growing. This is your: ”Goldmine” for future use as well. Some people do periodical update as they like.

Feel free to ask for help if things are not clear enough.
Suggestions for improvement are warmly welcome.

Stay Active & Succeed!
Jun 14th 2007 08:41

Sponsor Ads


Rebecca Beasley Committed   Consultant, Web Designer, Script Set Up
I agree that this is a good method, but one thing to remember is that most people on Adland Pro and other business type sites are also looking to build their business. And what happens when you try to sell ice to Eskimos?

One thing that I've found that really seems to work well is to include a hyperlink to your e-mail with the subject inserted for them so that when they click the link it opens their e-mail compose page with the subject already there so they can just send a blank e-mail to you and you can filter these e-mails with the subject line for whatever it is you're trying to build a list for.

I try to keep it friendly and non threatening. A lot of people don't like to send their contact information because they've learned that when they do they get a lot of ads and the people never do what they say they'll do.

Something like this would do very well in most networking programs.

My name is Rebecca and I'm getting a lot of ads in my e-mail as I'm sure you are too, and I was hoping to find a few people who can share ideas and just be friends and shoot the breeze from time to time.
Please don't send me ads, because that's not why I'm doing this. I promise to do the same for you. Just contact me anytime if you need someone to talk to, or if you need help with something. I really like helping people and I would welcome anything you want to send me.

[]Click here to e-mail me.[/email]
Rebecca Beasley

If ubbcode was on you would see this as a link.
You can set up a filter with the subject "friends" and all the
e-mails from friends will go to the folder you specify.

When they e-mail you, just ask about their family, how many
kids do they have? Do they have any pets? What sort of things
are they interested in doing online? Not everyone is into business,
but if you ask the right questions, you'll find out what they're into and
then you'll know what to send them.
Jul 15th 2007 18:21   
Thomas Njanque Professional   
Thanks Rebecca!

As many E-marketers will be looking for contact, i do it directly asking
for contact exchange. Surely, not all will reply with their contacts and that's OK!
Well, those who exchange contacts know the value of building a list.
Is not a matter of sending them offer every 2-3 days. No! I don't do that. These
are people i network with and seeing my mail will they take it serious for they expect
my communication worth reading.

On the other side, is just a number-game. If you send 100 mails to networkers who
genuinely agreed to that, you could get 5 -10 accepting you offer. This is
better than buying 500 expensive surveyed leads for blind communication.

A "hyperlink" is good for FFA leads with first contact. Remember, i use
3 different communities of networkers / marketers to build my List(Goldmine).
So, my first contact letter will not be going directly to the email address.
They will see my face and my seriousness first and then be willing to do an
exchange. Sending a list 1000 E-marketers a mail once a month is acceptable.
They will see how experienced you are for not forcing them every 2-3
days to buy/join you offer.

We talk more about that on :“> How the E-biz money is in the list”.

Appreciate your valuable contribution.


Jul 17th 2007 07:06   
Chuck Bartok Professional   Veteran Entrepreneur now Sharing
Well her eis anice place to find two super marketers.
Keep your eyes open for my New program this Fall.
Beginners Marketing Class.

I would be honored if you would Join my Group and discuss.

~~ ~~
Sep 28th 2007 09:12   
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