Daily Tune Up With Yehuda Berg

What does your fear tell you? What is the real meaning of your fear? Perhaps it reminds you of things you should have done but didn't do. It might ...

by Carol Jacobs Money Keeps Coming To Me
Carol Jacobs Committed   Money Keeps Coming To Me
What does your fear tell you? What is the real meaning of your fear?

Perhaps it reminds you of things you should have done but didn't do. It might call to mind the too- numerous-to-count occasions when you acted completely selfishly. If you really had to explain your behavior to God, how important do you think desires for yourself alone would suddenly seem?

Kabbalah teaches us (as explained in Becoming Like God) that each of us will, in fact, appear before a Heavenly court when we leave this world. But the court will not be anything like a criminal or civil trial in the physical world. There will be no prosecuting angels reading off a list of our sins, nor will there be defense attorneys pleading for mercy on our behalf. That's only in the movies.

The truth is much simpler: When we arrive in the Upper World, we will simply be shown the real greatness of our souls. True, for some people, and perhaps for many people, this will be a painful experience. They will see the great spiritual potential that had been theirs, and they will realize how they wasted this wonderful gift. They will look back and think “I had this great treasure and I did not use it to the fullest!”
This is a somewhat frightening lesson, but also a truly important one. If only we would know and appreciate our greatness—if only we would see that we are not simply flesh and blood, but that we have a great soul, which is part of the Creator—we would constantly push ourselves to make the most of this gift.

If thinking along these lines arouses a certain fear in you, that fear can be a blessing.

You can use this week's energy as a tool for getting in touch with the fear you might feel in honestly reviewing your life, and you can turn your fear into a motivating force for positive change in how you live, starting right now.

Use it as fuel for acts of sharing in the everyday world, and to become a true being of sharing in your heart and your soul. Focus clearly on the twin objectives of external action and inner growth. And with the help of the 72 Name below, you can connect with the spiritual energy that will turn those goals into reality.
All the best,
Dec 24th 2011 10:30

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Roosevelt Evans III Professional   Home Business Entrepreneur
"Our greatest fear is not that we are weak and powerless but that we have power beyond measure" I heard this quote somewhere, I forget where or who but it sums up what Yehuda says above. Thanks for sharing, Carol!
Dec 25th 2011 00:46   
Carol Jacobs Committed   Money Keeps Coming To Me
You are very welcome my friend, How was your day? I am sure it was filled with greatness.
Dec 26th 2011 14:09   
Martha M. Senior  DIRECTOR
Nice one Carol
Dec 26th 2011 14:19   
Carol Jacobs Committed   Money Keeps Coming To Me
Thank you kindly mam. LOL
Dec 26th 2011 14:36   
Roosevelt Evans III Professional   Home Business Entrepreneur
Hey Carol, like Muhammad Ali said, "I'm The Greatest"! LOL! But I say that with Reverence for God because I'm His Child. You feel me,Great Lady?
Dec 26th 2011 20:25   
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