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Paris Hiltion

by Wallace Hobbs
Wallace Hobbs Advanced
What are your thoughts about her going to Jail?

Jun 11th 2007 18:57

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Jennifer Underwood Professional   Promoter
I think she should have to pay just like any citizen of the United States would have to pay. Maybe her actually having to serve her time will open up to the other 'younger' celebrities. Just because she is an an heir to a lot of money..she still committed a crime and has to pay for her consequences! It really made furious to now that she was able to walk out of there pitching a fit and boo hooing to get pity (which worked for a little while). But thank goodness she did not get away with it! What would that show about our Justice system?????

Jun 11th 2007 19:58   
Dominique G. Senior   HR
I completely agree with the previous comments...I think she should have to pay just like anyone else. I personally don't understand why there had to be so much discussion about the situation. All she had to do was go to jail, serve her 20 some days and be done with it. Instead, somehow she was able to walk out because she was so 'depressed' - no one else would have that option. Hopefully, she'll keep to her word and just serve her time instead of creating more drama. I really don't understand why she has so many fans in the first place or why anyone would look up to her, but maybe others can learn from her situation, including her!
Jun 11th 2007 20:19   
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