LCW Business Group - APSense help and tutorials

Why have you been down graded from Contributer to Subscriber?If you find you are now only a subscriber the reason is vrey clear. You are not conform...

by Bj aka Bill Brown Hosting and Backup Service provider
Bj aka Bill Brown Magnate I   Hosting and Backup Service...
Why have you been down graded from contributor to Subscriber?

If you find you are now only a subscriber the reason is very clear. You are not conforming to the APSense Terms of Service, in that you do not have a real picture of you, or you have been too lazy to load anything to replace the question mark.

If you are not prepared to follow the simple rule of using a real picture of YOU, then I am not prepared to allow you to make any posts in my groups.

There is of course another set of people who have been reduced to subscribers, and those are the morons that do not read the " group" information, or read it and chose to ignore the fact that it says no advertising in it.
Sep 11th 2011 10:11

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Cheryl Baumgartner Professional Premium   Medical Billing/Coding/Insurance
I have set all my groups to accept only subscribers because of the spammers who do not read anything before posting their garbage ads.
Sep 11th 2011 10:59   
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