Travel Adventures! Where Have You Been? Where...

Great Idea, Julie!

by Angela Chen Shui
Angela Chen Shui Committed  
I'll start out with Puerto Rico.

I've spent a New Years Eve celebration there plus several other short stays and LOVED it!

Old San Juan is otherworldly. There is a wonderful old fort that reminds me of Port Royal here in Jamaica. It's EASY to picture the old pirate days from either!

Puerto Ricans LOVE to party, dance, have FUN! And back then I danced up a storm anytime I got a chance! LOL!

What else? Oh, I felt very safe there. That was during the late '80's and mid-90's but anytime I went I also usually took in a movie by myself and didn't feel in anyway uncomfortable as a single woman out alone.

The only disappointment is that I didn't get a chance to go see the rainforest type attraction they had. I WILL go next time I visit Puerto Rico!

Blessings and I'll drop in with other travel shares! ;-)

Jun 10th 2007 13:17

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Great hearing about your Puerto Rican adventure. Puerto Rico is magical! I went once to a small town called Manatee (don't quote the spelling). I stayed with a family that owned a furniture store. Every day at 11:00 am they ate lunch and actually took a "FIESTA" at noon! Got up between 1:00 pm and 2:00 pm and resumed working!

Wow, I wish I could do that on my day job!

I went to this place, I don't know the name of it, but it was a beach and you could see two hugh rock formations that the water had erroded through right down the middle. It was breath taking!

I also want to go back. Maybe I will visit Old San Juan.

Thank you for sharing your adventure, I can't wait to hear more.

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Jun 10th 2007 18:51   
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