How Can You Earn an Income On the Internet

Choosing the on line way.....

by Rieke F. Consultant
Rieke F. Senior   Consultant grow rich. The community of on line Marketers becomes daily bigger and bigger. A lot of people are joining this 'adventure' to earn money on the Internet for different reasons.
As it happens off line, we hear the most of those people who are earning huge amounts of money.

Looking at our own income..... the result is not overwhelming. How does this come?

First of all we should be aware that not everybody will get rich - nor off nor on line. It is comparable to the fact that not everybody will be a carpenter, cobbler, surgeon or politician.
When someone after years is still struggling to earn a decent income, he/she should ask him/herself, if the on line way is made for him/her.

Ok, you have decided that you have the dedication and will to succeed online. Than arise a lot of questions:
- How much time can I spend on line?
- What kind of promotion will I follow?
   -   Niche Article Marketing?   -   Sell my own products?   -   Affiliate Marketing?

Instead of trying here and there, which especially in the beginning is a great temptation, make sure for yourself, what will be your path. Choose wisely and than go for it. Collect all the necessary information you need. It is so easy nowadays: write your question in a search engine and you will get the answer. Look for forums until you got all the information you was looking for.

Once well prepared on how to pursue your choosen way take action. This means, transform your theoretical knowledge in practical application. You may find obstacles in the beginning... These shouldn't encourage you. Take them as a challenge, as a possibility to learn, to expand your horizon.

Step by step you will master all the hurdles and become a real master of your financial situation.
May 22nd 2011 09:26

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Joseph Botelho Magnate I   Investing One Gram at a Time
Good article, you have made some good solid points here, like the way you made is to read and understand your view points....good job..
May 22nd 2011 10:45   
Rieke F. Senior   Consultant
@Joseph, thank you for you encouraging comment. This article is born out of my own experience :)
May 23rd 2011 01:00   
Paula van Dun Magnate II   Retired
I agree with Joseph. To have a successful business, off line or on line, you need passion, a plan and patience
May 23rd 2011 16:09   
Rieke F. Senior   Consultant
Paula, sounds so easy and yet - sometimes it's difficult :)
May 24th 2011 13:53   
Rieke F. Senior   Consultant
Forgot to say: it is much easier to follow a plan off line!!! When s.o. starts on line he/she is first of all looking for information and very soon this person takes part of a great number of lists :) ---> effect: all these emails are trying to sell you something different. Some may attract your interest others less. Until he/she does not know exactly how and where to go, it is very, very easy to enter in a circle where it is hard to get out.... as he/she is always in the position of the beginning, having the impression to know nothing and go ahead learning.... Result: he/she keeps on pampering the passion, having a vague idea of how to go with it and still lacks the last step: TAKE ACTION.
May 24th 2011 14:01   
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