Your success

14 referrals in 24 hours !!! update: see new video intro to Wiki-Clix

by Philippe Moisan Tutorial videos, sci-fi writer
Philippe Moisan Magnate II   Tutorial videos, sci-fi writer
Update: I wrote a new article giving some information, especially how I get new refferals, I have 90 referrals as I write this, Sunday May 8 !!!

2nd update: new video introduction to Wiki-Clix

Hello Jasna and everyone,

A few days ago, I joined a new PTC site called Wiki-Clix. The owner is Teodor, a long time member of APSense.

Well, yesterday, after talking to him, I decided to promote it as much as I can.

Results: see the title of the subject. It's true!!! I am EXCITED!

I have written a RevPage and 2 articles giving more information about Wiki Clix and what got me excited. See the 2nd article, read it, you will have links to the other 2.

I hope you get excited too !

Here are screenshots that show my 19 referrals so far, and a world map showing where these people come from. That info comes directly from my Wiki-Clix account. If you want to join the site directly instead of reading my 2 articles or RevPage, the images are clickable.
May 3rd 2011 22:47

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Jasna Sato Professional   Own business,Food Supplement
ohh i like it i wanna try..thanks phillippe.
May 3rd 2011 22:59   
Philippe Moisan Magnate II   Tutorial videos, sci-fi writer
You're welcome, Jasna :)
May 3rd 2011 23:09   
Mohinder Singh Advanced   Consultant
Hello PM good day!

That is really smart, just now clicked on your banner link and discovered you have exhausted your quota of referrals as per their note :-

Important! You have no upline, as member phmoisan has exceeded the maximum number of referrals.

So myself decided not to join now and wait for JS to send me her link, hi JS are you there?

But this will be a great start to learn from you the way to get active referrals fast enough :)
May 9th 2011 22:37   
Jasna Sato Professional   Own business,Food Supplement
@Mohinder Hi .. thank's again i got your PM ..
May 9th 2011 23:07   
Jasna Sato Professional   Own business,Food Supplement
@Philippe Wow 90 referals !!congratulation..
May 9th 2011 23:30   
Mohinder Singh Advanced   Consultant
Yeah that is called the winning spirit and also glad to see your Viral Traffic Rush Ad in one of the Wiki Clicks, so it means you invested in Advertising too, right?
May 9th 2011 23:37   
Philippe Moisan Magnate II   Tutorial videos, sci-fi writer
Mohinder, I upgraded, I can now have up to 200 referrals, but you can join under Jasna too, of course :)
May 9th 2011 23:59   
Philippe Moisan Magnate II   Tutorial videos, sci-fi writer
By the way, 90 referrals is old news, I now have 106 :)
May 10th 2011 00:00   
Mohinder Singh Advanced   Consultant
Wow! Congrats Phillippe for your recent upgrade and unbelievably fast referral count to 106+, simply amazing, well guess what Jasna Sato, proved to be one of your best student, as she did not waste any time to get in touch with me on knowing that myself unable to join your link, so there she goes wins a referral here and sure could do much better with the right inspiration from you and by following up your wonderful write up articles on the path to ultimate success!!

Looking forward to your sharing of Gems in form of your experience and understanding on the best way to do any good PTC site and also how to detect which one is SPAM!
May 10th 2011 00:08   
Philippe Moisan Magnate II   Tutorial videos, sci-fi writer
Mohinder, I invite you to join Teodor's group, called "PTC - Paid to Click Elite Exchange"

You can find it easily by copying what I put between the quotes and putting in the APSense search tool at the top right, and choosing groups in the drop down list.

Teodor has written a subject about it.

I have started writing an article detailing how to determine if a PTC owner is serious or an amateur. When it is finished, I will post it in Teodor's group, probably tomorrow night, itr's 1h15am right now, gotta go zzzzzzzzzzzz :)
May 10th 2011 00:14   
Jasna Sato Professional   Own business,Food Supplement
Im sorry..i want to know only if this site can apreciate the japanese can read it or transfer in english here at apsense?
May 10th 2011 02:06   
Philippe Moisan Magnate II   Tutorial videos, sci-fi writer
Jasna, Mohinder, the problem is, some people might report you for abuse if you don't wrwite in English, because the admins can't speak all languages, so who knows if you are not spamming ? English only, the exception being if there were a group in your own language
May 10th 2011 06:59   
Mohinder Singh Advanced   Consultant
Thanks for letting know this, as was not aware about it, anyway Sato wrote in Japanese, myself tried to write in English Mandarin, have deleted it now :)
May 10th 2011 08:13   
Philippe Moisan Magnate II   Tutorial videos, sci-fi writer
I just deleted Jasna's comment in Japanese, so she won't get in trouble
May 10th 2011 08:15   
Jasna Sato Professional   Own business,Food Supplement
Im sorry just trying thanks for curios..the thing
May 11th 2011 03:44   
Philippe Moisan Magnate II   Tutorial videos, sci-fi writer
No problem, Jasna, I know your intentions were ok
May 11th 2011 07:11   
C C Howard Advanced   Small Business Owner
Nice. Thanks for sharing. Success to you Philippe! Cheers.
May 11th 2011 22:01   
Philippe Moisan Magnate II   Tutorial videos, sci-fi writer
Thanks, C C. I hope my success encourages other members to try as hard as I do. :)
May 11th 2011 22:03   
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