E-book makers

How to write a funny e-books

by Jasna Sato Own business,Food Supplement
Jasna Sato Professional   Own business,Food Supplement
Have you ever been reading a humorous book and thought: 'I could do this, it doesn't really seem hard'? Well, well, well, my friend, so have many other people. But if you think you are a distinct talent and you have got the time and energy to write books then why don't you try? But you have to be funny to write a humorous book!


1.Either get some paper or open Microsoft Word on computer and start by giving your book a nice title that actually has something to do with what's between the front and back covers. E.g 'The misunderstandings of Judith McMann'

2.Start writing. You should have read at least 20 funny books to write one, but of course if you are the Oracle, then pray proceed...

3.Make it funny, but not desperate. Remember you are trying to make them laugh, not feel sorry for you.
4.When finished, give a copy to your wife/husband/girlfriend/boyfriend and family to see how they feel about it. If they like it (they seriously like it. Tell them it's better in the long run if they tell you it's a complete load of turd first time around) then you should contact a local paper to maybe get it printed in.
5.Spend your well earned cash wisely, and don't get into any scandals. Got it? Good.

You need a lot of free time and energy. Without this you are well and truly, stuffed.

Get support from friends and family.

Never think you're better than your title portrays you as.
Always know when to stand down and stop writing.
Apr 15th 2011 08:50

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Salim Benhouhou Professional   IT Support
thank you jasna this is really good
Apr 15th 2011 09:00   
Jasna Sato Professional   Own business,Food Supplement
YOur welcome Salim..
Apr 15th 2011 09:01   
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