E-book makers

How to create a good or popular ebook

by Jasna Sato Own business,Food Supplement
Jasna Sato Professional   Own business,Food Supplement
If you?re working on an eBook, report or software, sooner or later you?ll most likely need to have a cover to go with it among other things. In this case you actually have at least four options at your disposal:
1. Hire a designer

Perhaps one of the easiest but may not be the cheapest. As usual, head on to Elance.com or Guru.com to look for a suitable graphic artist. Typically quality can be the best if you?re willing to pay for it.
2. Use ecover generator software

Easy to do, cheap and fast but quality can be the lowest among all. If looking real pro is not high on your list, go this route by buying ecover generator software on the market. There are many available and some are a little better than the others.

You have a choice between desktop and web applications. Web version is easy since no software needs to be installed. I found a good free online service at My Ecover Maker. You?ll have to sign up to access it and there is also a paid version for additional features.

A free desktop application example is from Boxshot3d but there's a watermark inserted. To remove it, buy the paid version instead.
3. Use Photoshop Action Scripts

You need a Photoshop software for this to work. Action script is like a add-on that you run on PS. Using it is quite tricky to those not familiar with PS. Price wise (without PS software) is close to that of ecover generator. Usually quality can be a little better than the ecover generator. This is a very cost effective solution if you produce ecovers regularly.

Some graphic designers may be using these too.

A popular PS Action Scripts for ecover is Jeremy Burn?s Black Pack eCover.
4. Design your own using graphics software

If you?re good with graphics design software then this may be for you unless you have other priorities to work on. Quality? Can be as good as you are.

Choosing which method to go for is very much a personal thing. So by looking at several important factors such as speed, budget, priority and quality will help you decide which is best in your situation.
Mar 10th 2011 22:56

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Salim Benhouhou Professional   IT Support
thank you jasna for your activity in the group
Mar 11th 2011 00:47   
Jasna Sato Professional   Own business,Food Supplement
YOur welcome salim,
Mar 11th 2011 05:30   
Donald C. Advanced   Freelancer
There are some excellent tips here, Jasna. I've been looking for a good free e-cover creator. Thanks.
Mar 11th 2011 11:45   
Jasna Sato Professional   Own business,Food Supplement
your welcome. wishing that information can help.
Mar 12th 2011 00:05   
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