
Join my team on Feedycash and Club Asteria

by Editha S. Entrepreneur, Freelancer
Editha S. Senior   Entrepreneur, Freelancer
I need team on feedycash and club asteria, the 2 hottest programs in 2011. I'll join any program which doesn't require big amount to join, just about $20 is ok.
Feb 15th 2011 07:12

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Radek Vyskovsky Magnate I   Social Media
Hi Editha, I will join Your if You join one of these:
and spend there what I will spend on
Feb 20th 2011 00:25   
Editha S. Senior   Entrepreneur, Freelancer
do I have to join all of them? revenue magic and success quik start with $6.95, I don't know about listquik, let me know. You can join me with feedycash and inform me if you do, then I'll sign up with them
Feb 22nd 2011 02:16   
Radek Vyskovsky Magnate I   Social Media
join all of them and spend only $6.95 at revenue magic and success quik. I will join with $19 It's a deal?
Feb 22nd 2011 02:35   
Editha S. Senior   Entrepreneur, Freelancer
deal, get in on feedycash and once I saw you joined then I'll joined your programs
Feb 27th 2011 02:26   
Radek Vyskovsky Magnate I   Social Media
joined, waiting for AlertPay (Due to temporary difficulties we cannot process MasterCard transactions at this time, please try again later.)
Mar 4th 2011 00:32   
Radek Vyskovsky Magnate I   Social Media
Still waiting for Alertpay.....
Mar 5th 2011 05:53   
Radek Vyskovsky Magnate I   Social Media
Editha, thanks again for your help with Alertpay transaction. Cannot have better upline.
Mar 20th 2011 10:54   
Monique Ivory Advanced   Consultant
Can you join
Complete trial offers to total 1 credit and then get $60 per referral
Mar 20th 2011 23:16   
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