E-book makers

5 Tips To Making Sure That Your eBook Makes Money (Before You Write A Single Word!)

by Salim Benhouhou IT Support
Salim Benhouhou Professional   IT Support
1. Ask your customers and potential customers what they want.If you
belong to a networking group, an association, or if you have a
subscriber list, you can ask people what they want. Most people are
more than happy to tell you! You can make it easy for them by creating
an offline or online survey or doing an ask campaign. You can get the
software to do your ask campaign at  www.theebookcoach.com/ask.
What you want to do is ask people what they want and this program will
analyze the data for you and give you the results you need quickly and

2. Hang out where your target market hangs out and listen to what they
are talking about.Then try to figure out how you can take what you are
passionate about and interested in, and tie it to what people want to
know more about and need a solution to. Then create your ebook around
that subject.

3. Look for trends: see what's hot and then find a way to capitalize on it.

It's easy-there are trends all around you! You just have to have your
antenna up and be on the lookout.Talk to your kids. Look at magazines,
newspapers, go to the mall, get creative.

4. Eavesdrop.Of course you want to be discreet! But eavesdropping can
be extremely lucrative!People talk about what problems they are having
in restaurants, over coffee, in the Laundromat, or while they are
shopping with friends (to name a few places you can listen for ideas).
People talk about their parents, kids, and their love relationships.
You might just hear something that sparks a great idea for your ebook!

5. Do a keyword search. This will tell you what keywords people are
searching on. When you know what keywords people are looking up it can
often times tell you what the problems are that they want solved.

There are several ways to find out what people want. Once you tap into
what they want you can write an ebook that has the potential to make a
substantial profit.So don't waste time guessing what to write about. Be
a detective, do the research, find out what people want, and make sure
that your next ebook is a cash machine for your business before you
write a single word! .
Feb 12th 2011 01:29

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