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Study Abroad in USA: Study in the USA With Scholarship | Education Vibes

by Education Vibes Best Study MBBS Abroad Consultants in Pune
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With a variety of scholarship options available to Indian students, you can find a way to support your studies throughout your program. However, you should not rely on just one scholarship but apply for many different scholarships to increase your chances of benefiting.

Below are the types of scholarships that the United States offers to Indian students to study abroad after grade 12 or graduation:

Hubert Humphrey Fellowship Program
This program is part of the Fulbright Program, which aims to bring talented people from around the world to the United States. This scholarship is for individuals who want to pursue a master's or doctoral program. The program also includes a special provision for minority students or ordinary citizens who are not proficient in the language. This program covers tuition, monthly expenses, and living expenses for students.

Fulbright-Nehru Scholarship
International students applying for a master's or doctoral program can benefit from this scholarship. Graduate students and young professionals can stay in the United States for one or two years through this scholarship. Students' tuition, living expenses, and medical expenses will be covered by this scholarship. This scholarship only provides J1 visa support.

To apply for a scholarship to study in the US, students need to check whether they are eligible or not. Although the eligibility criteria for each scholarship is different, there are certain factors based on which students applying for scholarships to study in the United States will be evaluated.

A special learning point
Being an academically strong student will make you an ideal candidate for a scholarship to your dream university. A good academic curriculum is certainly a factor that makes a university more favorable to applicants. Eligibility requirements, such as academic results, vary depending on the university you choose, the course you are interested in, and your level of study.

Extracurricular activities and volunteer experiences
Participating in extracurricular activities and having volunteer experience is another advantage when applying for scholarships in the United States. Some universities are looking for a candidate who can add value to their entire institution. So, having a good record of extracurricular activities and volunteering can give you an edge over other applicants.

In addition to completing your college application, complete your scholarship application ahead of time so you don't miss out. Check the application deadlines and scholarships of your chosen universities in advance so you can arrange all the necessary documents in a timely manner and avoid last-minute chaos.

There are various scholarships available for Indian students in the United States, each with different eligibility criteria. Therefore, it is essential to know the scholarships offered by the universities we are interested in and whether they meet the eligibility criteria for each school.

Foreign universities consider the previous academic results of scholarship applicants. While most colleges only require college transcripts, some schools may also request 10th, 11th, and 12th grade transcripts.

Any volunteer work at your previous institution will benefit from the scholarship. By examining applicants' profiles, universities pay attention to your volunteering experience in various cultural activities or events. Whether you attended college events or participated in community work, it's relevant.
Dec 4th 2023 05:02

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